Information and concert history of the venue Union Hall. Union Hall is a venue in Phoenix, USA.
Upcoming concerts
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Past concerts
6 Mar 1999 - Dave Matthews & Tim Reynolds
Main: Bartender by Dave Matthews Band + Don't Drink the Water by Dave Matthews Band, One Sweet World by Dave Matthews Band, The Stone by Dave Matthews Band, Crush by Dave Matthews Band, Two Step by Dave Matthews Band, Proudest Monkey by Dave Matthews Band + Satellite by Dave Matthews Band, #41 by Dave Matthews Band, Stay (Wasting Time) by Dave Matthews Band, Lie in Our Graves by Dave Matthews Band, Open Up, Let it In by Tim Reynolds, If I Had a Boat by Lyle Lovett, Jimi Thing by Dave Matthews Band + What Will Become of Me by Dave Matthews Band + Pantala Naga Pampa by Dave Matthews Band, Too Much by Dave Matthews Band, Seek Up by Dave Matthews Band, Halloween by Dave Matthews Band, Loose Interpretation by Tim Reynolds + Turn It Into Love by Tim Reynolds + Repeat the Question by Tim Reynolds + Alcañiz (Festiva) by Andrés Segovia, Wild Horses by The Rolling Stones, Say Goodbye by Dave Matthews Band, Spoon by Dave Matthews Band, Ants Marching by Dave Matthews Band
Encore: Digging a Ditch by Dave Matthews Band, Crash Into Me by Dave Matthews Band, Dancing Nancies by Dave Matthews Band
10 Dec 1996 - The Black Crowes
Main: Under a Mountain, She Gave Good Sunflower, Tied Up and Swallowed, Torn and Frayed by The Rolling Stones, Descending, Hotel Illness, Spider in the Sugar Bowl Blues, Bring On, Bring On, Mr. Spaceman by The Byrds, Ballad in Urgency, Wiser Time, Somebody's on Your Case by Ann Peebles, Nonfiction, No Speak No Slave
Encore: Good Friday, Jealous Again
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