Information and concert history of the venue The Irenic. The Irenic is a venue in San Diego, USA.
Upcoming concerts
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Past concerts
10 Dec 2012 - The Mountain Goats
Main: White Cedar, Love Love Love, Psalms 40:2, For Charles Bronson, Until I Am Whole, You or Your Memory, It Froze Me, Steal Smoked Fish, Downtown Seoul, Cotton, You Were Cool, Ezekiel 7 and the Permanent Efficacy of Grace, The Diaz Brothers, In Memory of Satan, Cry For Judas, First Few Desperate Hours, Spent Gladiator 2
Encore: Transcendental Youth, Pigs That Ran Straightaway Into the Water, Triumph Of, This Year
20 Oct 2012 - Frightened Rabbit
Main: The Modern Leper, Nothing Like You, Old Old Fashioned, The Twist, State Hospital, Fast Blood, Music Now, Head Rolls Off, Swim Until You Can't See Land, Boxing Night, My Backwards Walk, Square 9
Encore: Be Less Rude, Yawns, Scottish Winds, Good Arms vs. Bad Arms, Living in Colour, The Loneliness and the Scream
3090 Polk Ave