Information and concert history of the venue Teatro del Verme. Teatro del Verme is a venue in Milan, Italy.
Upcoming concerts
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Past concerts
7 Oct 2022 - Counting Crows
Main: Mrs. Potter's Lullaby, If I Could Give All My Love -or- Richard Manuel Is Dead, Mr. Jones, Colorblind, Butterfly In Reverse, Omaha, St. Robinson in His Cadillac Dream, Anna Begins, Miami, Blues Run the Game by Jackson C. Frank, God of Ocean Tides, The Tall Grass, Elevator Boots, Angel of 14th Street, Bobby and the Rat-Kings, Rain King, A Long December
Encore: Round Here, Hanginaround, Holiday in Spain
5 Oct 2018 - Low
Main: Quorum, No Comprende, Plastic Cup, The Innocents, Tempest, Always Up, Dragonfly, Do You Know How to Waltz?, Lazy, Always Trying to Work It Out, Poor Sucker, Rome (Always in the Dark), Fly, Spanish Translation, Nothing But Heart, Holy Ghost, Lies, Dancing and Fire, Disarray
Encore: Will the Night, Murderer
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