Information and concert history of the venue Royal Albert Hall. Royal Albert Hall is a venue in London, England.
Upcoming concerts
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Past concerts
25 Apr 2024 - Dave Matthews Band
Main: Warehouse, When the World Ends, The Stone, Looking for a Vein, Again and Again, Madman's Eyes + Minarets, Crash Into Me, Lie in Our Graves, Monsters, The Space Between, #41, Drunken Soldier, Let's Dance by David Bowie, You Might Die Trying, The Ocean and the Butterfly, Everyday + Ants Marching
Encore: Dreamgirl, All Along the Watchtower by Bob Dylan + Stairway to Heaven by Led Zeppelin + All Along the Watchtower by Bob Dylan
24 Apr 2024 - Dave Matthews Band
Main: One Sweet World, The Dreaming Tree, Madman's Eyes, Virginia in the Rain, The Best of What's Around, Walk Around the Moon, So Much to Say + Anyone Seen the Bridge + Too Much, Crush, So Damn Lucky by Dave Matthews, American Baby Intro + Break Free, Funny the Way It Is, Satellite, Jimi Thing, Kill the Preacher, Why I Am, Don't Drink the Water
Encore: Grey Street
Kensington Gore