Information and concert history of the venue Rockbar Inc.. Rockbar Inc. is a venue in Scottsdale, USA.
Upcoming concerts
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Past concerts
5 May 2022 - Roger Clyne & the Peacemakers
Main: Blue Collar Suicide by The Refreshments, Heaven on a Paper Plate, Wake Up Call, I Speak Your Language, Sonoran Hope & Madness, Tell Yer Momma, A Little Hungover You, Never Thought, State of the Art, Marie, Switchblade, Stick It to the Man, Banditos by The Refreshments, Yahoos & Triangles by The Refreshments, Pantalones by Jim Dalton, Flowerin', Low by Cracker, I Know You Know, Butterfly by Crazy Town, Mekong by The Refreshments, Mexico by The Refreshments
4245 N Craftsman Ct, Scottsdale, AZ 85251-3201
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