Information and concert history of the venue Rams Head Live!. Rams Head Live! is a venue in Baltimore, USA.
Upcoming concerts
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Past concerts
18 Dec 2022 - They Might Be Giants
Main 1: Letterbox, Synopsis for Latecomers, Brontosaurus, Damn Good Times, Man, It's So Loud in Here, Your Racist Friend, Number Three, Whistling in the Dark, The Darlings of Lumberland, Particle Man, Stilloob, We Want a Rock, Moonbeam Rays, Road Movie to Berlin, Istanbul (Not Constantinople) by The Four Lads
Main 2: Birdhouse in Your Soul, Twisting, Someone Keeps Moving My Chair, Women & Men, The Mesopotamians, Marty Beller Mask, Let Me Tell You About My Operation, Hot Cha, Mr. Me, Lucky Ball & Chain, Don't Let's Start, Minimum Wage, New York City by cub, Theme From Flood, Doctor Worm
Encore 1: I Can't Remember the Dream, When Will You Die
Encore 2: Dead
19 Mar 2022 - Relient K
Main: Who I Am Hates Who I've Been, High of 75, Bummin', Mountaintop, Which to Bury, Us or the Hatchet?, Forget and Not Slow Down, Sahara, Flare, Candlelight, Savannah, Prodigal, God, I Don't Need a Soul, Sadie Hawkins Dance, Chap Stick, Chapped Lips, and Things Like Chemistry, Must Have Done Something Right, This Week the Trend, The One I'm Waiting For
Encore: Devastation and Reform, Empty House, Be My Escape
6 Mar 2022 - They Might Be Giants
No setlist data available
20 Market Place