Information and concert history of the venue Plumas-Sierra County Fairgrounds. Plumas-Sierra County Fairgrounds is a venue in Quincy, USA.
Upcoming concerts
No upcoming concerts.
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Past concerts
30 Jun 2017 - Ween
Main: Touch My Tooter, Transdermal Celebration, Nan, Object, I Gots a Weasel, Piss Up a Rope, Buckingham Green, Happy Colored Marbles, The Stallion pt 3, Spinal Meningitis (Got Me Down), The Argus, Right to the Ways and the Rules of the World, Pink Eye (on My Leg), Your Party, My Own Bare Hands, Big Jilm, Take Me Away, Stroker Ace, Seconds, I Play It Off Legit, How High Can You Fly, Pandy Fackler, The Mollusk
3 Sep 2016 - Relient K
Main: Forget and Not Slow Down, Who I Am Hates Who I've Been, High of 75, Don't Blink, Bummin', Air for Free, Local Construction, Mrs. Hippopotamuses', Mountaintop, Which to Bury, Us or the Hatchet?, Devastation and Reform, Five Iron Frenzy Is Either Dead or Dying, Sadie Hawkins Dance, The One I'm Waiting For, Sahara, Be My Escape
6 Sep 2015 - Switchfoot
No setlist data available
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