Information and concert history of the venue NextStage Performance Theater. NextStage Performance Theater is a venue in Grand Prairie, USA.
Upcoming concerts
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Past concerts
11 Mar 2004 - Barenaked Ladies
Main: Maybe Katie, Too Little Too Late, Never Do Anything, It's All Been Done, Another Postcard, Celebrity, Be My Yoko Ono, Aluminum, Road Runner by Barbara Cameron, For You, One Week, Upside Down, Testing 1,2,3, Who Needs Sleep?, Powder Blue, Shopping, Pinch Me, War on Drugs, Falling for the First Time, The Old Apartment, Brian Wilson
Encore 1: Yes! Yes!! Yes!!!, If I Had $1000000
Encore 2: Break Your Heart
28 Feb 2004 - Primus
Main 1: Frizzle Fry, Professor Nutbutter's House of Treats, My Name Is Mud, Mary the Ice Cube, My Friend Fats, Pudding Time, Groundhog's Day
Main 2: Seas of Cheese, Here Come the Bastards, Sgt. Baker, American Life, Jerry Was a Race Car Driver, Eleven, Is It Luck?, Grandad's Little Ditty, Tommy the Cat, Sathington Waltz, Those Damned Blue-Collar Tweekers, Fish On (Fisherman Chronicles, Chapter II), Los Bastardos
Encore: Mrs. Blaileen
19 Sep 2003 - R.E.M.
Main: Finest Worksong, So Fast, So Numb, Driver 8, Drive, Animal, Fall on Me, Bad Day, The One I Love, All the Way to Reno (You're Gonna Be a Star), The Great Beyond, So. Central Rain, World Leader Pretend, Daysleeper, Losing My Religion, At My Most Beautiful, She Just Wants to Be, Walk Unafraid, Man on the Moon
Encore: Everybody Hurts, Nightswimming, Life and How to Live It, Permanent Vacation, It's the End of the World as We Know It (and I Feel Fine)
1001 Performance Place