Main: Ambulance, Out of Time, Crazy Beat, Good Song, Caravan, Gene by Gene, Trimm Trabb, We've Got A File On You
Encore: Popscene, Battery in Your Leg, This Is a Low
Main: Monkey Wrench, Up in Arms
Main: Burden in My Hand, Spoonman, Blow Up the Outside World, Mailman, Black Hole Sun
Main: Brain Stew, Jaded, Walking Contradiction
Main: Freedom of '76, Take Me Away, Spinal Meningitis (Got Me Down), What Deaner Was Talkin' About, I Can't Put My Finger on It, Poop Ship Destroyer
Main: Let's Go to Bed, In Your House, Lullaby, The Blood, Just Like Heaven, If Only Tonight We Could Sleep, The Caterpillar, Boys Don't Cry, A Letter to Elise, The Walk