Information and concert history of the venue McCabe's Guitar Shop. McCabe's Guitar Shop is a venue in Santa Monica, USA.
Upcoming concerts
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Past concerts
20 Nov 2019 - Bruce Cockburn
Main 1: Bardo Rush, When You Give It Away, Last Night of the World, Night Train, World of Wonders, Peggy's Kitchen Wall, Cafe Society, Child of the Wind, 3 Al Purdys
Main 2: April in Memphis, Bone in My Ear, States I'm In, All the Diamonds in the World, Jesus Train, Call It Democracy, False River, Wondering Where the Lions Are, If a Tree Falls
Encore: Blind Willie, Lovers in a Dangerous Time, See How I Miss You
13 Apr 2014 - Bruce Cockburn
No setlist data available
12 Apr 2014 - Bruce Cockburn
Main 1: Grim Travellers, The Iris of the World, When You Give It Away, Bohemian 3-Step, Night Train, Rumours of Glory, Pacing the Cage, The End of All Rivers, Lovers in a Dangerous Time
Main 2: If I Had A Rocket Launcher, Strange Waters, Wondering Where the Lions Are, Stolen Land, Call It Democracy, God Bless the Children, Put It in Your Heart, Arrows of Light
Encore: Five Fifty-One, Celestial Horses, All the Diamonds in the World
1 Jul 2012 - The Mountain Goats
Main: Dinu Lipatti's Bones, Oceanographer's Choice, Michael Myers Resplendent, Alpha Rats Nest, Maybe Sprout Wings, Bride, Have to Explode, Night Light, Song for an Old Friend, Love Love Love, Island Garden Song, Jaipur, Rotten Stinking Mouthpiece, In Memory of Satan, Genesis 30:3, Thank You Mario but Our Princess Is in Another Castle, Woke Up New, Hast Thou Considered the Tetrapod, San Bernardino
Encore: Alpha Omega, You or Your Memory, Alpha Gelida, Old College Try
30 Jun 2012 - The Mountain Goats
Main: Balance, Island Garden Song, For Charles Bronson, Woke Up New, High Hawk Season, Jeff Davis County Blues, Have to Explode, Night Light, In the Shadow of the Western Hills, Noctifer Birmingham, Alpha Gelida, In Memory of Satan, Thank You Mario but Our Princess Is in Another Castle, White Cedar, Alphabetizing, San Bernardino
Encore 1: Song for an Old Friend, No Children, Whole Wide World
Encore 2: So Desperate, Color in Your Cheeks
3101 Pico Boulevand