Main: Pittsburgh, Levee, Cousin, Soldier Child
Main: Make You Suffer, The Slow Parts on Death Metal Albums, Clean Slate, Hostages
Main: An Antidote for Strychnine, Your Belgian Things, Magpie, Possum by Night
Main: Blood Capsules, Andrew Eldritch Is Moving Back to Leeds, Shelved, San Bernardino
Main: Some Swedish Trees, Isaiah 45:23, Michael Myers Resplendent, Island Garden Song, Jaipur, Woke Up New, Animal Mask, Love Cuts the Strings, Steal Smoked Fish, Cry For Judas, Up the Wolves
Main: Primer Coat, The Part of Him, First Air of Autumn, Pauline Hawkins
Main: Cotton, Genesis 3:23, Romans 10:9
Main: Used to Be a Cop, Pulaski, Dancin' Ricky, Mercy Buckets
Main: A Ghost to Most, The Opening Act, Checkout Time in Vegas, The Living Bubba
Main: Can You Feel It?, Energy, Open Eyes, Radiation, Same Old Drag, Skyway
Main: Where the Devil Don't Stay, Puttin' People on the Moon, Danko/Manuel, Daddy's Cup
Main: Outfit, Heathens, Sounds Better in the Song, Sink Hole