Information and concert history of the venue Highdive. Highdive is a venue in Champaign, USA.
Upcoming concerts
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Past concerts
30 Mar 2005 - Drive-By Truckers
Main: Tornadoes, 72 (This Highway's Mean), (Something's Got To) Give Pretty Soon, The Day John Henry Died, Never Gonna Change, Tales Facing Up, Box of Spiders, Uncle Frank, Daddy's Cup, The Buford Stick, Your Daddy Hates Me, Outfit, Goddamn Lonely Love, The Living Bubba, Zip City, Puttin' People on the Moon, Lookout Mountain
Encore 1: Granddaddy by Patterson Hood, Buttholeville, Ain't Talkin' 'Bout Love by Van Halen, Nine Bullets, Carl Perkins' Cadillac, Let There Be Rock
Encore 2: Decoration Day, Sink Hole, Women Without Whiskey, Keep on Smilin' by Wet Willie
21 Nov 2004 - Arcade Fire
No setlist data available
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