Information and concert history of the venue Hayden Homes Amphitheater. Hayden Homes Amphitheater is a venue in Bend, USA.
Upcoming concerts
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Past concerts
27 Aug 2024 - Dave Matthews Band
Main: So Right, #41, Stay or Leave by Dave Matthews, Fool in the Rain by Led Zeppelin, Seek Up, The Idea of You, Looking for a Vein, Tripping Billies, It Could Happen, Dancing Nancies + Warehouse, Digging a Ditch, Madman's Eyes, Stolen Away on 55th & 3rd, Joyride, Crash Into Me, You Never Know, So Damn Lucky by Dave Matthews
Encore: Some Devil by Dave Matthews, Crush
14 Sep 2023 - Counting Crows
Main: Sullivan Street, If I Could Give All My Love -or- Richard Manuel Is Dead, Mr. Jones, Colorblind, Butterfly In Reverse, Omaha, Anna Begins, Children in Bloom, Black and Blue, Start Again by Teenage Fanclub, Angels of the Silences, Big Yellow Taxi by Joni Mitchell, Round Here, Rain King, the 1 by Taylor Swift, A Long December
Encore: Time and Time Again, So Long, So Long by Dashboard Confessional, Hanginaround, Holiday in Spain
4 Sep 2023 - Goo Goo Dolls
Main: Broadway, Over and Over, Slide, Big Machine, Here Is Gone, Black Balloon, January Friend, Yeah, I Like You, Going Crazy, Lucky Star, So Alive, Sympathy, Come to Me, Name, Naked, Miracle Pill, Run All Night, Life's a Message, Bringing on the Light, Better Days, Stay With You
Encore: Give a Little Bit by Supertramp, I Won't Back Down by Tom Petty, Iris
4 Sep 2023 - O.A.R.
No setlist data available
344 SW Shevlin Hixon Dr, Bend, OR 97702
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