Information and concert history of the venue Goldsmiths Students' Union. Goldsmiths Students' Union is a venue in London, England.
Upcoming concerts
No upcoming concerts.
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Past concerts
22 Jun 2009 - Blur
Main: She's So High, Girls & Boys, Tracy Jacks, There's No Other Way, Jubilee, Badhead, Beetlebum, Out of Time, Trimm Trabb, Coffee & TV, Tender, Country House, Oily Water, Chemical World, Sunday Sunday, Parklife, End of a Century, To the End, This Is a Low
Encore 1: Popscene, Advert, Song 2
Encore 2: For Tomorrow, The Universal
26 Aug 1999 - Blur
Main: Tender, Bugman, Coffee & TV, End of a Century, Jubilee, B.L.U.R.E.M.I., Advert, Popscene, For Tomorrow, Trimm Trabb, Battle, No Distance Left to Run
Encore 1: Beetlebum, The Universal, Country Sad Ballad Man, To the End, This Is a Low
Encore 2: Fried, Girls & Boys, There's No Other Way, Parklife, Song 2, Sing
10 Dixon Road, London SE14 6NW
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