Information and concert history of the venue Dillon Amphitheater. Dillon Amphitheater is a venue in Dillon, USA.
Upcoming concerts
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Past concerts
23 Aug 2024 - Primus
Main: Southbound Pachyderm, Jellikit, The Pressman, Groundhog's Day + Polka Dot Rose by Oysterhead + Groundhog's Day, My Friend Fats, Jilly's on Smack, Del Davis Tree Farm, Shake Hands With Beef, Spegetti Western, Cygnus X-1, Book I: The Voyage by Rush, The Ol' Diamondback Sturgeon (Fisherman's Chronicles, Part 3), My Name Is Mud + Jerry Was a Race Car Driver
201 Lodgepole St, Dillon, CO 80435
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