Information and concert history of the venue Cornell University. Cornell University is a venue in Ithaca, USA.
Upcoming concerts
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Past concerts
28 Aug 2004 - They Might Be Giants
Main: Clap Your Hands, James K. Polk, Twisting, Experimental Film, Spine, Memo to Human Resources, Stalk of Wheat, New York City by cub, Birdhouse in Your Soul, Why Does the Sun Shine?, Particle Man, Drink!, Doctor Worm, Older, Damn Good Times, She's an Angel, Wearing a Raincoat, John Lee Supertaster, Fingertips, The End of the Tour
Encore: Violin, It's Kickin' In, Istanbul (Not Constantinople) by The Four Lads
26 Jan 1999 - Dave Matthews & Tim Reynolds
Main: Lie in Our Graves by Dave Matthews Band, Crush by Dave Matthews Band, Two Step by Dave Matthews Band, Don't Drink the Water by Dave Matthews Band, Cry Freedom by Dave Matthews Band, If I Had a Boat by Lyle Lovett, Tripping Billies by Dave Matthews Band, #41 by Dave Matthews Band, Granny by Dave Matthews Band, Stay (Wasting Time) by Dave Matthews Band, Satellite by Dave Matthews Band, Stream by Tim Reynolds, Jimi Thing by Dave Matthews Band + What Will Become of Me by Dave Matthews Band + Pantala Naga Pampa by Dave Matthews Band, Warehouse by Dave Matthews Band, Spoon by Dave Matthews Band, Too Much by Dave Matthews Band, Say Goodbye by Dave Matthews Band, Open Up, Let it In by Tim Reynolds, Crash Into Me by Dave Matthews Band, Dancing Nancies by Dave Matthews Band
Encore: I'll Back You Up by Dave Matthews Band, All Along the Watchtower by Bob Dylan
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