Information and concert history of the venue Charleston Music Hall. Charleston Music Hall is a venue in Charleston, USA.
Upcoming concerts
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Past concerts
9 May 2024 - Primus
Main 1: Spegetti Western, Here Come the Bastards, Groundhog's Day, Seas of Cheese, Mr. Krinkle, Nature Boy, Wynona's Big Brown Beaver
Main 2: Bob, Mrs. Blaileen, Those Damned Blue-Collar Tweekers, The Pressman, Golden Boy, Jerry Was a Race Car Driver, My Name Is Mud
Encore: Last Salmon Man, Follow the Fool, Southbound Pachyderm
12 Mar 2023 - They Might Be Giants
Main 1: The Mesopotamians, Synopsis for Latecomers, Brontosaurus, Authenticity Trip, Twisting, Someone Keeps Moving My Chair, We Want a Rock, Particle Man, The Darlings of Lumberland, Hot Cha, Spy, 2082, Stilloob, Moonbeam Rays, Letterbox, Road Movie to Berlin, Doctor Worm
Main 2: Memo to Human Resources, Man, It's So Loud in Here, Your Racist Friend, Minimum Wage, Women & Men, Dead, Let Me Tell You About My Operation, Whistling in the Dark, Lucky Ball & Chain, Istanbul (Not Constantinople) by The Four Lads, Theme From Flood, Birdhouse in Your Soul
Encore 1: Number Three, Fingertips
Encore 2: How Can I Sing Like a Girl?, Museum of Idiots
28 Nov 2018 - moe.
Main 1: White Lightning Turpentine + Happy Hour Hero, Angel, Captain America + Puebla + Californ IA + 32 Things
Main 2: Haze + Where Does the Time Go, Not Coming Down + Skrunk + LL3 + Tubing the River Styx + The Pit + Downward Facing Dog
Encore: Rebubula
37 John St
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