Information and concert history of the venue Challis Golf Course & RV Park. Challis Golf Course & RV Park is a venue in Challis, USA.
Upcoming concerts
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Past concerts
13 Aug 2022 - Roger Clyne & the Peacemakers
Main: Hello There by Cheap Trick, Blue Collar Suicide by The Refreshments, Hello New Day, ¡Americano!, Down Together by The Refreshments, A Little Hungover You, Marie, Mekong by The Refreshments, Banditos by The Refreshments, Counterclockwise, Switchblade, Maybe We Should Fall in Love, Flowerin', Girly by The Refreshments, Yahoos & Triangles by The Refreshments, Girly (reprise) by The Refreshments
331 Golf Club Ln, Challis, ID 83226
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