Information and concert history of the venue Buck's Backyard. Buck's Backyard is a venue in Buda, USA.
Upcoming concerts
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Past concerts
24 Jul 2021 - Roger Clyne & the Peacemakers
Main: Flowerin', Blue Collar Suicide by The Refreshments, West Texas Moon, European Swallow by The Refreshments, Suckerpunch by The Refreshments, Mexico by The Refreshments, Lemons, Counterclockwise, Mañana, Marie, Switchblade, Psychosis by The Refreshments, La Grange by ZZ Top, Pantalones by Jim Dalton, Banditos by The Refreshments, Wanted by The Refreshments, ¡Amigos! by Jim Dalton, Tell Yer Momma, Unknown song, Down Together by The Refreshments, Yahoos & Triangles by The Refreshments, Mekong by The Refreshments
Encore: Green & Dumb
1750 Farm to Market 1626, Buda, TX 78610
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