Information and concert history of the venue Branscomb Memorial Auditorium. Branscomb Memorial Auditorium is a venue in Lakeland, USA.
Upcoming concerts
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Past concerts
10 Feb 1997 - Dave Matthews & Tim Reynolds
Main: Lie in Our Graves by Dave Matthews Band, #41 by Dave Matthews Band, Jimi Thing by Dave Matthews Band + What Will Become of Me by Dave Matthews Band, Dancing Nancies by Dave Matthews Band, Two Step by Dave Matthews Band, I'll Back You Up by Dave Matthews Band, The Maker by Daniel Lanois, Proudest Monkey by Dave Matthews Band + Satellite by Dave Matthews Band, Let You Down by Dave Matthews Band, Angel From Montgomery by John Prine, So Much to Say by Dave Matthews Band, Stream by Tim Reynolds, Crash Into Me by Dave Matthews Band, Minarets by Dave Matthews Band + Dreamed I Killed God + Typical Situation by Dave Matthews Band, Say Goodbye by Dave Matthews Band, Too Much by Dave Matthews Band, Tripping Billies by Dave Matthews Band, Christmas Song by Dave Matthews Band, Ants Marching by Dave Matthews Band
Encore: Warehouse by Dave Matthews Band
1085 Johnson Ave, Lakeland, FL 33803
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