19 Jul 2007 - They Might Be Giants
Main: I'm Impressed, Take Out the Trash, Alphabet of Nations, Damn Good Times, Birdhouse in Your Soul, The Shadow Government, Why Does the Sun Shine?, The Guitar, Ana Ng, Withered Hope, New York City by cub, It's Not My Birthday, Meet James Ensor, We're the Replacements, Upside Down Frown, Particle Man, The Famous Polka, Spy, Doctor Worm, Put Your Hand on the Computer, The Mesopotamians
Encore 1: Drink!, Istanbul (Not Constantinople) by The Four Lads
Encore 2: They Got Lost, Fingertips
14 Aug 2002 - They Might Be Giants
Main: Clap Your Hands, Bed Bed Bed, New York City by cub, Particle Man, Doctor Worm, Drink!, Istanbul (Not Constantinople) by The Four Lads, She's Actual Size, John Lee Supertaster, Dead, Minimum Wage, Boss of Me, Man, It's So Loud in Here, Older, The Guitar, Fingertips, In the Middle, in the Middle, in the Middle, Cyclops Rock, Why Does the Sun Shine?, No!
Encore 1: Robot Parade (Adult Version), Birdhouse in Your Soul
Encore 2: Dig My Grave, Sleepwalkers
29 Jul 1994 - Dave Matthews Band
No setlist data available