Information and concert history of the venue Bayfront Center. Bayfront Center is a venue in St. Petersburg, USA.
Upcoming concerts
No upcoming concerts.
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Past concerts
25 Oct 2000 - Widespread Panic
Main 1: Little Kin, Better Off, Wondering, She Caught the Katy by Taj Mahal, Tall Boy, Blue Indian, Walkin' (For Your Love), Jack, Worry
Main 2: All Time Low, Rock, Chilly Water, Low Rider by WAR, Stop-Go, Drums, Bowlegged Woman, Knock-Kneed Man by Bobby Rush, Space Wrangler
Encore: Give, City of Dreams by Talking Heads
29 Mar 1994 - Pearl Jam
Main: Rearviewmirror, Whipping, Go, Animal, Dissident, Even Flow, Why Go, Jeremy, Glorified G, Daughter + Another Brick in the Wall, Part 2 by Pink Floyd + W.M.A., Blood, Last Exit, Black, Alive, Porch + Dirty Frank
Encore 1: Sonic Reducer by Dead Boys, Not for You, Elderly Woman Behind the Counter in a Small Town, Rockin' in the Free World by Neil Young
Encore 2: Indifference
Encore 3: Throw Your Arms Around Me by Hunters & Collectors
29 Mar 1994 - King's X
No setlist data available
2 Nov 1993 - Tom Petty and The Heartbreakers
No setlist data available
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