Information and concert history of the venue Assiniboia Downs. Assiniboia Downs is a venue in Winnipeg, Canada.
Upcoming concerts
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Past concerts
23 Jul 1997 - The Tragically Hip
Main: Springtime in Vienna, Save the Planet, Grace, Too, Twist My Arm, Ahead by a Century, Greasy Jungle, 700 ft. Ceiling, Membership, New Orleans is Sinking, Scared, Don't Wake Daddy, Fully Completely, Nautical Disaster, Fire in the Hole, Wheat Kings, Gift Shop, Coconut Cream, Daredevil, Blow at High Dough
18 Jul 1995 - The Tragically Hip
Main: New Orleans is Sinking, Fully Completely, Grace, Too, At The Hundredth Meridian, Fight, Gift Shop, Fifty-Mission Cap, Yawning or Snarling, Wheat Kings, Inevitability of Death, Daredevil, Twist My Arm, Springtime in Vienna, Nautical Disaster, Blow at High Dough, Fire in the Hole, The Last of the Unplucked Gems, Greasy Jungle, Locked In The Trunk Of A Car
3975 Portage Ave
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