Information and concert history of the venue 4 Eagle Ranch. 4 Eagle Ranch is a venue in Wolcott, USA.
Upcoming concerts
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Past concerts
24 Sep 2019 - Dave Matthews & Tim Reynolds
Main: Do You Remember by Dave Matthews Band, Crush by Dave Matthews Band, Where Are You Going by Dave Matthews Band, Samurai Cop by Dave Matthews Band, Bartender by Dave Matthews Band, Come Tomorrow by Dave Matthews Band, Grey Street by Dave Matthews Band, Save Me by Dave Matthews, So Damn Lucky by Dave Matthews, Lie in Our Graves by Dave Matthews Band, You & Me by Dave Matthews Band, Jimi Thing by Dave Matthews Band + What Will Become of Me by Dave Matthews Band + Pantala Naga Pampa by Dave Matthews Band, Two Step by Dave Matthews Band, Dancing Nancies by Dave Matthews Band
Encore: Ants Marching by Dave Matthews Band, Water into Wine by Dave Matthews Band
4098 Highway 131, Wolcott, CO 81655
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