This page shows the concert experiences wulffeld had with Tori Amos.
Most recent show was at:
Det Kongelige Teater, Copenhagen, Denmark - Apr 25, 2023
First show was:
Roskilde Festival 1998 - Jun 25, 1998
Top song | # |
God | 3 |
Hey Jupiter | 3 |
Precious Things | 3 |
13 Jun 2007 - Tori Amos at Falconer Salen, Frederiksberg, Denmark
Main 1: Yo George, Sweet Dreams, Devils and Gods, Mr. Bad Man, Almost Rosey
Main 2: Big Wheel, Caught a Lite Sneeze, Liquid Diamonds, Cornflake Girl, Bells for Her, Siren, Silent All These Years, Mr. Zebra, Winter, Putting the Damage On, God, Code Red
Encore 1: Precious Things, Bouncing Off Clouds
Encore 2: Cruel, Hey Jupiter
19 Jun 2005 - Tori Amos at Falconer Salen, Frederiksberg, Denmark
Main 1: Original Sinsuality, Blood Roses, A Sorta Fairytale, Amber Waves, Martha's Foolish Ginger, Seaside, Playboy Mommy
Main 2: Father Figure by George Michael, Nights in the White Satin by The Moody Blues, Beauty Queen, Horses, Mother Revolution, Winter, Spring Haze, The Beekeeper
Encore 1: Icicle, Sweet the Sting
Encore 2: Space Dog, Hey Jupiter