Setlists featuring Fortune Came Today
31 May 2017 - The Mountain Goats at Mayan Theatre, Los Angeles, CA, USA
Main: Rain in Soho, Stench of the Unburied, Harlem Roulette, In the Craters on the Moon, Wear Black, Unicorn Tolerance, Fortune Came Today by Wckr Spgt, Crazy On You by Heart, From TG&Y, You're in Maya, Song For My Stepfather, Song for an Old Friend, I've Got the Sex, San Bernardino, Paid in Cocaine, Andrew Eldritch Is Moving Back to Leeds, The Young Thousands, Broom People, Heel Turn 2
Encore 1: We Do It Different on the West Coast, Up the Wolves, No Children, Abandoned Flesh, Spent Gladiator 2, This Year
Encore 2: The Diaz Brothers, Palmcorder Yajna, California Song
4 Jun 2013 - The Mountain Goats at Strand Theater, York, PA, USA
Main: Pure Gold, Absolute Lithops Effect, The Diaz Brothers, You or Your Memory, Fortune Came Today by Wckr Spgt, Song for Mark and Joel, Alpha Rats Nest, Beautiful Gas Mask, Ox Baker Triumphant, Cobscook Bay, International Small Arms Traffic Blues, Wild Sage, 1 Samuel 15:23, Tallahassee, Woke Up New, Spent Gladiator 2, Jenny, No Children
Encore 1: Black Molly, No, I Can't
Encore 2: The Best Ever Death Metal Band in Denton