Main: Where the River Flows, Precious Declaration, Goodnight, Good Guy, Skin, Forgiveness, December, Compliment, Dandy Life, Boast, The World I Know, Vent, Blame, She Said, Perfect Day, Why, Part 2, Gel, Heavy
Encore 1: Run, Shine
Encore 2: Reunion
Main: Where the River Flows, Precious Declaration, Goodnight, Good Guy, 10 Years Later, December, Compliment, Boast, The World I Know, Vent, Blame, She Said, Perfect Day, Why, Part 2, Gel, Heavy
Encore 1: Run, Simple, Shine
Main: Where the River Flows, Precious Declaration, Goodnight, Good Guy, December, Compliment, The World I Know, She Said, Vent, Blame, Perfect Day, Why, Part 2, Gel, Heavy
Encore: Run, Shine