Detailed concert and song statistics on Tori Amos based on 4 concerts.

Songs performed63
Unique songs performed51
Tags performed1
Covers performed as songs2
Covers performed as tags1

Show Length

Each column represents the number of songs performed in a concert.

Number of Tags (1)

Each column represents the number of tags performed in a concert. Note that concerts without tags are left out of this graph.

Number of Encores

Each column represents the number of encores in a concert. Note that concerts without any encores are left out of this graph.

Statistics by Year

Total concerts
Songs performed
Tags performed
Unique songs performed
Encore songs performed
1998 1 9 0 9 0
2005 1 19 0 19 4
2007 1 21 0 21 4
2023 1 14 1 14 2
Totals 4 63 1 51 10

Statistics by Month

Total concerts
Songs performed
Tags performed
Unique songs performed
Encore songs performed
1998 / June 1 9 0 9 0
2005 / June 1 19 0 19 4
2007 / June 1 21 0 21 4
2023 / April 1 14 1 14 2
Totals 4 63 1 51 10

Top Songs

Hey Jupiter 4.76%
God 4.76%
Precious Things 4.76%
Amber Waves 3.17%
Winter 3.17%
Cornflake Girl 3.17%
Bells for Her 3.17%
Cruel 3.17%
Crucify 3.17%
Original Sinsuality 1.59%
Blood Roses 1.59%
A Sorta Fairytale 1.59%
Martha's Foolish Ginger 1.59%
Seaside 1.59%
Playboy Mommy 1.59%
Beauty Queen 1.59%
Horses 1.59%
Mother Revolution 1.59%
Spring Haze 1.59%
The Beekeeper 1.59%
Icicle 1.59%
Sweet the Sting 1.59%
Space Dog 1.59%
Yo George 1.59%
Sweet Dreams 1.59%
Devils and Gods 1.59%
Mr. Bad Man 1.59%
Almost Rosey 1.59%
Big Wheel 1.59%
Caught a Lite Sneeze 1.59%
Liquid Diamonds 1.59%
Siren 1.59%
Silent All These Years 1.59%
Mr. Zebra 1.59%
Putting the Damage On 1.59%
Code Red 1.59%
Bouncing Off Clouds 1.59%
Ocean to Ocean 1.59%
Daisy Dead Petals 1.59%
Girl 1.59%
Oysters 1.59%
Pandora's Aquarium 1.59%
Addition of Light Divided 1.59%
Tombigbee 1.59%
Body and Soul 1.59%
i i e e e 1.59%
Spark 1.59%
The Waitress 1.59%
Raspberry Swirl 1.59%

Top Tags

Personal Jesus by Depeche Mode 100.00%

Top Covers

Father Figure by George Michael 50.00%
Nights in the White Satin by The Moody Blues 50.00%