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Past concerts
30 Jun 2002 - Roskilde Festival 2002
Main: Dead Leaves and the Dirty Ground, I Think I Smell a Rat, When I Hear My Name, Isis by Bob Dylan, Hotel Yorba, Jimmy the Exploder, Farmer John by Don "Sugarcane" Harris, Ball and Biscuit, Good to Me by Brendan Benson, Lord Send Me an Angel by Blind Willie McTell, Apple Blossom, You're Pretty Good Looking (for a Girl), Hello Operator, Stop Breakin' Down Blues by Robert Johnson, We're Going to Be Friends, Fell in Love With a Girl, Cannon, Look Me Over Closely by Terry Gilkyson, Little Room, The Union Forever, Screwdriver, Let's Build a Home, Goin' Back to Memphis by Soledad Brothers
5 Jun 2002 - The Fillmore, San Francisco, CA, USA
Main: Dead Leaves and the Dirty Ground, Let's Shake Hands, I Think I Smell a Rat, Jolene by Dolly Parton, Jimmy the Exploder, Ball and Biscuit, Apple Blossom, Do, You're Pretty Good Looking (for a Girl), Stop Breaking Down, For the Love of Ivy by The Gun Club, Little Room, The Union Forever, Lord Send Me an Angel by Blind Willie McTell, This Protector, Broken Bricks, Cannon, I Just Don't Know What to Do With Myself, We're Going to Be Friends, Isis by Bob Dylan, Look Me Over Closely
Encore: The Big Three Killed My Baby, Rated X by Loretta Lynn
4 Jun 2002 - The Fillmore, San Francisco, CA, USA
Main: Dead Leaves and the Dirty Ground, I Think I Smell a Rat, Jolene by Dolly Parton, Hotel Yorba, Lord Send Me an Angel by Blind Willie McTell, Apple Blossom, Ball and Biscuit, I'm Finding It Harder to Be a Gentleman, Wasting My Time, Death Letter + Motherless Children by Blind Willie Johnson, Love Sick by Bob Dylan, Little Room + Pick A Bale Of Cotton by Lead Belly, The Union Forever, We're Going to Be Friends, Rated X by Loretta Lynn, Astro, Jack the Ripper by Screaming Lord Sutch, Lafayette Blues, Fell in Love With a Girl, Cannon, Offend in Every Way, Screwdriver
Encore: You're Pretty Good Looking (for a Girl), Hello Operator, Boll Weevil by Lead Belly