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Past concerts
8 Oct 2022 - Duo Music Exchange, Tokyo, Japan
Main: Dead Stock Paradise, Freebee Honey, TERMINAL HEAVEN'S ROCK, PHANTOM PAIN, Mole Town Prisoner, Super Trampoline School Kid, Lonesome Diamond, The sun that will not rise, Moon Marguerite, I know you, The scar whispers, nobody is in paradise, xavier, WALKIN' ON THE SPIRAL, Frontiers, Lo-Fi Boy, Fighter Girl, New Year's Eve, you stood there, like an angel, Orange Film Garden, BAD DREAMS, That Future Is Now, GOOD DREAMS, Rosy Head
Encore 1: Sick Vibration, BOON BOON ROCK
Encore 2: I'm a broken piece
Encore 3: All the way to the edge of this World