Detailed concert and song statistics on The Cranberries based on 8 concerts.

Songs performed7
Unique songs performed7
Tags performed0
Covers performed as songs1
Covers performed as tags0

Show Length

Each column represents the number of songs performed in a concert.

Statistics by Year

Total concerts
Songs performed
Tags performed
Unique songs performed
Encore songs performed
1994 1 7 0 7 0
1995 7 0 0 0 0
Totals 8 7 0 7 0

Statistics by Month

Total concerts
Songs performed
Tags performed
Unique songs performed
Encore songs performed
1994 / August 1 7 0 7 0
1995 / June 1 0 0 0 0
1995 / July 6 0 0 0 0
Totals 8 7 0 7 0

Top Songs

Sunday 14.29%
Pretty 14.29%
Wanted 14.29%
Linger 14.29%
Zombie 14.29%
Dreams 14.29%

Top Covers

(They Long to Be) Close to You by Burt Bacharach 100.00%