Detailed concert and song statistics on Opeth based on 2 concerts.

Songs performed18
Unique songs performed16
Tags performed0
Covers performed as songs0
Covers performed as tags0

Show Length

Each column represents the number of songs performed in a concert.

Number of Encores

Each column represents the number of encores in a concert. Note that concerts without any encores are left out of this graph.

Statistics by Year

Total concerts
Songs performed
Tags performed
Unique songs performed
Encore songs performed
2006 1 6 0 6 0
2014 1 12 0 12 1
Totals 2 18 0 16 1

Statistics by Month

Total concerts
Songs performed
Tags performed
Unique songs performed
Encore songs performed
2006 / June 1 6 0 6 0
2014 / November 1 12 0 12 1
Totals 2 18 0 16 1

Top Songs

The Grand Conjuration 11.11%
Deliverance 11.11%
Eternal Rains Will Come 5.56%
Cusp of Eternity 5.56%
Bleak 5.56%
The Moor 5.56%
Advent 5.56%
Elysian Woes 5.56%
Windowpane 5.56%
The Devil's Orchard 5.56%
April Ethereal 5.56%
The Lotus Eater 5.56%
The Amen Corner 5.56%
White Cluster 5.56%
Closure 5.56%
The Baying of the Hounds 5.56%