Detailed concert and song statistics on Morrissey based on 5 concerts.

Songs performed86
Unique songs performed66
Tags performed1
Covers performed as songs20
Covers performed as tags1

Show Length

Each column represents the number of songs performed in a concert.

Number of Tags (1)

Each column represents the number of tags performed in a concert. Note that concerts without tags are left out of this graph.

Number of Encores

Each column represents the number of encores in a concert. Note that concerts without any encores are left out of this graph.

Statistics by Year

Total concerts
Songs performed
Tags performed
Unique songs performed
Encore songs performed
2004 1 17 0 17 1
2006 1 15 0 15 0
2007 1 21 0 21 1
2009 1 15 0 15 0
2014 1 18 1 18 2
Totals 5 86 1 66 4

Statistics by Month

Total concerts
Songs performed
Tags performed
Unique songs performed
Encore songs performed
2004 / April 1 17 0 17 1
2006 / June 1 15 0 15 0
2007 / June 1 21 0 21 1
2009 / April 1 15 0 15 0
2014 / November 1 18 1 18 2
Totals 5 86 1 66 4

Top Songs

First of the Gang to Die 4.65%
Irish Blood, English Heart 4.65%
Everyday Is Like Sunday 3.49%
Let Me Kiss You 3.49%
You Have Killed Me 2.33%
In the Future When All's Well 2.33%
I Just Want to See the Boy Happy 2.33%
I'm Throwing My Arms Around Paris 2.33%
Hairdresser on Fire 1.16%
Don't Make Fun of Daddy's Voice 1.16%
No One Can Hold a Candle to You 1.16%
Jack the Ripper 1.16%
The World Is Full of Crashing Bores 1.16%
Such a Little Thing Makes Such a Big Difference 1.16%
I Know It's Gonna Happen Someday 1.16%
I'm Not Sorry 1.16%
Subway Train 1.16%
All the Lazy Dykes 1.16%
The Last of the Famous International Playboys 1.16%
Whatever Happens, I Love You 1.16%
Disappointed 1.16%
That's How People Grow Up 1.16%
The National Front Disco 1.16%
Ganglord 1.16%
You're Gonna Need Someone on Your Side 1.16%
All You Need Is Me 1.16%
I've Changed My Plea to Guilty 1.16%
Black Cloud 1.16%
How Can Anybody Possibly Know How I Feel? 1.16%
When Last I Spoke to Carol 1.16%
Seasick, Yet Still Docked 1.16%
The Loop 1.16%
Sorry Doesn't Help 1.16%
Speedway 1.16%
Kiss Me A Lot 1.16%
World Peace Is None of Your Business 1.16%
Neal Cassady Drops Dead 1.16%
Staircase at the University 1.16%
Yes, I Am Blind 1.16%
Istanbul 1.16%
Trouble Loves Me 1.16%
Scandinavia 1.16%
One of Our Own 1.16%
The Bullfighter Dies 1.16%
I'm Not a Man 1.16%
Suedehead 1.16%
The Youngest Was the Most Loved 1.16%
The Father Who Must Be Killed 1.16%
To Me You Are a Work of Art 1.16%
I Will See You in Far-Off Places 1.16%
At Last I Am Born 1.16%
Life Is a Pigsty 1.16%

Top Tags

Heaven Knows I’m Miserable Now by The Smiths 100.00%