Detailed concert and song statistics on Marianne Faithfull based on 1 concert.
Songs performed17
Unique songs performed17
Tags performed0
Covers performed as songs0
Covers performed as tags0
First and last concertModernes, Bremen, Germany - Jun 30, 1999
Show Length
Each column represents the number of songs performed in a concert.Statistics by Year
Year |
Total concerts |
Songs performed |
Tags performed |
Unique songs performed |
Encore songs performed |
1999 | 1 | 17 | 0 | 17 | 0 |
Totals | 1 | 17 | 0 | 17 | 0 |
Statistics by Month
Month |
Total concerts |
Songs performed |
Tags performed |
Unique songs performed |
Encore songs performed |
1999 / June | 1 | 17 | 0 | 17 | 0 |
Totals | 1 | 17 | 0 | 17 | 0 |
Top Songs
Name |
Total |
Broken English | 1 5.88% |
Vagabond Ways | 1 5.88% |
File It Under Fun From the Past | 1 5.88% |
Come and Stay With Me | 1 5.88% |
Brain Drain | 1 5.88% |
Working Class Hero | 1 5.88% |
Wilder Shores of Love | 1 5.88% |
Electra | 1 5.88% |
Dreamin' My Dreams | 1 5.88% |
Guilt | 1 5.88% |
Falling From Grace | 1 5.88% |
Incarceration of a Flower Child | 1 5.88% |
I'll Keep It With Mine | 1 5.88% |
Tower of Song | 1 5.88% |
As Tears Go By | 1 5.88% |
Ballad of Lucy Jordan | 1 5.88% |
Why'd Ya Do It | 1 5.88% |