Detailed concert and song statistics on Depeche Mode based on 362 concerts.

Songs performed2882
Unique songs performed80
Tags performed0
Covers performed as songs8
Covers performed as tags0

Show Length

Each column represents the number of songs performed in a concert.

Number of Encores

Each column represents the number of encores in a concert. Note that concerts without any encores are left out of this graph.

Statistics by Year

Total concerts
Songs performed
Tags performed
Unique songs performed
Encore songs performed
2001 1 0 0 0 0
2006 8 63 0 23 15
2009 79 746 0 38 155
2010 24 160 0 27 32
2013 84 1058 0 38 237
2014 25 200 0 27 50
2017 85 426 0 37 84
2018 54 209 0 33 44
2019 1 0 0 0 0
2022 1 20 0 20 4
Totals 362 2882 0 80 621

Statistics by Month

Total concerts
Songs performed
Tags performed
Unique songs performed
Encore songs performed
2001 / September 1 0 0 0 0
2006 / January 7 63 0 23 15
2006 / May 1 0 0 0 0
2009 / February 1 1 0 1 0
2009 / April 1 7 0 7 0
2009 / May 2 22 0 22 5
2009 / June 13 110 0 24 25
2009 / July 9 80 0 23 16
2009 / August 15 241 0 28 52
2009 / September 2 0 0 0 0
2009 / October 10 60 0 26 12
2009 / November 16 185 0 29 37
2009 / December 10 40 0 21 8
2010 / January 11 60 0 23 12
2010 / February 13 100 0 25 20
2013 / March 3 19 0 10 0
2013 / April 2 15 0 10 0
2013 / May 10 92 0 31 20
2013 / June 13 161 0 27 35
2013 / July 13 216 0 33 49
2013 / August 4 63 0 23 15
2013 / September 15 162 0 31 35
2013 / October 5 90 0 25 22
2013 / November 12 220 0 27 56
2013 / December 7 20 0 20 5
2014 / January 9 60 0 27 15
2014 / February 13 140 0 24 35
2014 / March 3 0 0 0 0
2017 / March 4 37 0 15 1
2017 / April 3 35 0 22 6
2017 / May 12 22 0 22 5
2017 / June 12 65 0 24 14
2017 / July 9 56 0 23 13
2017 / August 4 0 0 0 0
2017 / September 13 22 0 22 5
2017 / October 13 67 0 31 15
2017 / November 8 82 0 26 17
2017 / December 7 40 0 22 8
2018 / January 11 80 0 25 16
2018 / February 11 0 0 0 0
2018 / March 7 20 0 20 4
2018 / May 4 20 0 20 4
2018 / June 9 49 0 18 11
2018 / July 11 40 0 30 9
2018 / December 1 0 0 0 0
2019 / June 1 0 0 0 0
2022 / September 1 20 0 20 4
Totals 362 2882 0 80 621

Top Songs

Personal Jesus 145 5.03%
Enjoy the Silence 144 5.00%
Walking in My Shoes 142 4.93%
Never Let Me Down Again 137 4.75%
Precious 124 4.30%
I Feel You 119 4.13%
A Question of Time 114 3.96%
Policy of Truth 107 3.71%
Home 98 3.40%
A Pain That I'm Used To 95 3.30%
In Your Room 82 2.85%
Stripped 70 2.43%
Just Can't Get Enough 65 2.26%
It's No Good 63 2.19%
Barrel of a Gun 63 2.19%
Angel 62 2.15%
Wrong 60 2.08%
Heaven 60 2.08%
Welcome to My World 59 2.05%
World in My Eyes 58 2.01%
Black Celebration 55 1.91%
Should Be Higher 54 1.87%
Behind the Wheel 54 1.87%
Halo 52 1.80%
In Chains 45 1.56%
Hole to Feed 45 1.56%
Soothe My Soul 38 1.32%
Cover Me 35 1.21%
Shake the Disease 35 1.21%
Fly on the Windscreen 34 1.18%
Going Backwards 32 1.11%
Everything Counts 32 1.11%
But Not Tonight 30 1.04%
Where's the Revolution 28 0.97%
Judas 28 0.97%
The Child Inside 24 0.83%
Miles Away/The Truth Is 24 0.83%
Somebody 23 0.80%
Strangelove 22 0.76%
A Question of Lust 21 0.73%
Come Back 21 0.73%
Goodbye 19 0.66%
Waiting for the Night 18 0.62%
Secret to the End 17 0.59%
Jezebel 16 0.56%
Useless 15 0.52%
Corrupt 15 0.52%
Higher Love 14 0.49%
So Much Love 11 0.38%
Little Soul 11 0.38%
Master and Servant 11 0.38%
Insight 10 0.35%
Sister of Night 0.31%
Poison Heart 0.31%
Dressed in Black 0.31%
One Caress 0.28%
Peace 0.28%
Slow 0.24%
Blue Dress 0.24%
When the Body Speaks 0.24%
John the Revelator 0.24%
Soft Touch / Raw Nerve 0.17%
Only When I Lose Myself 0.17%
I Want You Now 0.14%
The Things You Said 0.14%
Freelove 0.14%
Condemnation 0.10%
Suffer Well 0.10%
I Want It All 0.10%
The Sinner in Me 0.10%
Goodnight Lovers 0.10%
Photographic 0.07%
Damaged People 0.07%
Scum 0.03%
Leave in Silence 0.03%
In Sympathy 0.03%
Fragile Tension 0.03%
Clean 0.03%
Macro 0.03%

Top Covers

“Heroes” by David Bowie 100.00%