Detailed concert and song statistics on Björk based on 5 concerts.

Songs performed62
Unique songs performed42
Tags performed0
Covers performed as songs0
Covers performed as tags0

Show Length

Each column represents the number of songs performed in a concert.

Number of Encores

Each column represents the number of encores in a concert. Note that concerts without any encores are left out of this graph.

Statistics by Year

Total concerts
Songs performed
Tags performed
Unique songs performed
Encore songs performed
1993 1 0 0 0 0
2007 1 16 0 16 2
2012 1 17 0 17 2
2013 1 15 0 15 1
2015 1 14 0 14 2
Totals 5 62 0 42 7

Statistics by Month

Total concerts
Songs performed
Tags performed
Unique songs performed
Encore songs performed
1993 / August 1 0 0 0 0
2007 / July 1 16 0 16 2
2012 / July 1 17 0 17 2
2013 / June 1 15 0 15 1
2015 / March 1 14 0 14 2
Totals 5 62 0 42 7

Top Songs

Hunter 4.84%
Jóga 4.84%
Pagan Poetry 4.84%
Pluto 4.84%
Declare Independence 4.84%
Pleasure Is All Mine 3.23%
Wanderlust 3.23%
Cosmogony 3.23%
Moon 3.23%
Crystalline 3.23%
Hidden Place 3.23%
One Day 3.23%
Mutual Core 3.23%
Hyperballad 3.23%
Náttúra 3.23%
Stonemiker 1.61%
Lionsong 1.61%
History of Touches 1.61%
Black Lake 1.61%
Family 1.61%
Notget 1.61%
Come to Me 1.61%
Undo 1.61%
I See Who You Are 1.61%
Quicksand 1.61%
Mouth Manta 1.61%
Harm of Will 1.61%
Heirloom 1.61%
Bachelorette 1.61%
Earth Intruders 1.61%
Unravel 1.61%
All Is Full of Love 1.61%
The Anchor Song 1.61%
Innocence 1.61%
5 Years 1.61%
Immature 1.61%
Oceania 1.61%
Thunderbolt 1.61%
Virus 1.61%
Isobel 1.61%
Mouth's Cradle 1.61%
Hollow 1.61%