4 May 2004 - O.A.R.
Main 1: Redemption Song by Bob Marley, James, Melissa by The Allman Brothers Band, Dareh Meyod
Main 2: Windy City Man, Right on Time, Anyway, About an Hour Ago, On Top the Cage, Night Shift, 52-50, Hey Girl, Black Rock, Release by Pearl Jam, Whose Chariot?, City on Down + Delicate Few
Encore: Ladanday, That Was a Crazy Game of Poker
9 Apr 2004 - Bob Dylan
Main: To Be Alone With You, It's All Over Now, Baby Blue, Unbelievable, Make You Feel My Love, Most Likely You Go Your Way and I'll Go Mine, Can't Wait, If Not for You, Cold Irons Bound, If Dogs Run Free, Highway 61 Revisited, Not Dark Yet, Honest With Me, I Believe in You, Summer Days
Encore: Cat's in the Well, Like a Rolling Stone, All Along the Watchtower
28 Oct 2003 - Bruce Cockburn
Main 1: Tried and Tested, Lovers in a Dangerous Time, Mighty Trucks of Midnight, Burn, Southland of the Heart, My Beat, All Our Dark Tomorrows, Trickle Down
Main 2: Down to the Delta, Wait No More, Open, Lord of the Starfields, Night Train, Call It Democracy, You've Never Seen Everything, To Raise the Morning Star, Last Night of the World
Encore: Pacing the Cage, Don't Forget About Delight, World of Wonders, Celestial Horses
3 Oct 2003 - moe.
Main 1: Rebubula, Not Coming Down, Wormwood, She Sends Me, Hi & Lo, Head
Main 2: Moth, Bullet, Brent Black, Tambourine, Recreational Chemistry
Encore: The Harder They Come by Jimmy Cliff
2 Oct 2003 - moe.
Main 1: Akimbo, Crab Eyes, Blue-Eyed Son, Okayalright, Opium, St. Augustine
Main 2: Happy Hour Hero, Seat of My Pants, Captain America, Four, Livin' Again, 32 Things
Encore: Bodhisattva by Steely Dan
12 Sep 2003 - Ween
Main: Buckingham Green, The Stallion pt 3, Marble Tulip Juicy Tree, Happy Colored Marbles, The Grobe, Nan, Take Me Away, Springtheme, Voodoo Lady + Kiss by Prince + Voodoo Lady, I Don't Want It, Roses Are Free, The Argus, The Mollusk, Awesome Sound, Zoloft, Tried And True, Ocean Man, You Fucked Up, I'll Be Your Jonny on the Spot, Sweet Texas Fire, Waving My Dick in the Wind, Tick, I Can't Put My Finger on It, Captain, Spinal Meningitis (Got Me Down), Fluffy
Encore: Piss Up a Rope, Dr. Rock, Touch My Tooter
12 May 2003 - O.A.R.
Main 1: Toy Store, King of the Thing, Blackbird by The Beatles, James, All Apologies by Nirvana
Main 2: Dareh Meyod, Night Shift, The 59th Street Bridge Song (Feelin' Groovy) by Simon & Garfunkel + City on Down, Mr. Moon, Anyway, Heard the World, Untitled, Delicate Few, Missing Pieces, Here's To You, Whose Chariot?, Hey Girl, Someone in the Road, That Was a Crazy Game of Poker, Sunday Bloody Sunday by U2