Main: Black, Even Flow, Why Go, Jeremy, Alive, Once, Porch, I've Got a Feeling by The Beatles
Main: Release, Why Go, Alive, Garden, Black, Alone, Even Flow, Porch
Main: Wash, Once, Even Flow, Alive, Smells Like Teen Spirit by Nirvana + Suggestion by Fugazi + Jeremy, Why Go, State of Love and Trust, Porch
Encore: I've Got a Feeling by The Beatles
Main: Wash, Once, Even Flow, Alive, Smells Like Teen Spirit by Nirvana, Saying No, Jeremy, Why Go, Porch
Main: Deep, Even Flow, Oceans, Why Go, Jeremy, Alive, Garden, Black, Porch, Release
Main: Release, Even Flow, Suggestion by Fugazi + Why Go, Alive, Porch, I've Got a Feeling by The Beatles
Main: Wash, Once, Even Flow, Alive, Suggestion by Fugazi + Jeremy, Why Go, Porch
Main: Oceans, Even Flow, Why Go, Jeremy, Alive, Once, Porch
Main: Once, Deep, Alive, Porch
Main: Wash, Once, Even Flow, Alive, Jeremy, Why Go, Porch
Main: Release, Even Flow, Alive, Jeremy, Why Go, Once, Porch
Main: Wash, Once, Even Flow, Why Go, Deep, Alive, Suggestion by Fugazi + Porch
Main: Wash, Once, Even Flow, State of Love and Trust, Alive, Garden, Deep, Black, Jeremy, Why Go, Porch
Main: Release, Once, Even Flow, State of Love and Trust, Alive, Garden, Deep, Black, Jeremy, Why Go, Porch
Main: Wash, Once, Even Flow, State of Love and Trust, Alive, Garden, Deep, Black, Jeremy, Why Go, Porch, Release
Main: Wash, Once, Even Flow, Suggestion by Fugazi + State of Love and Trust, Alive, Garden, Deep, Black, Jeremy, Why Go, Porch, I've Got a Feeling by The Beatles
Main: Release, Once, Even Flow, State of Love and Trust, Porch, Alive, Oceans, Smells Like Teen Spirit by Nirvana, Deep, Garden, Jeremy, Why Go
Encore 1: Black, Breath
Encore 2: I've Got a Feeling by The Beatles