Main: No Comprende, Monkey, Holy Ghost, I'm on Fire by Bruce Springsteen, Just Make It Stop, Plastic Cup, On My Own, Silver Rider, Especially Me, Sunflower, High + Right, Landslide, Canada, Murderer, Starfire, When I Go Deaf
Main: No Comprende, Monkey, Holy Ghost, I'm on Fire by Bruce Springsteen, Just Make It Stop, Plastic Cup, On My Own, Especially Me, Sunflower, High + Right, Landslide
Main: No Comprende, Monkey, Holy Ghost, I'm on Fire by Bruce Springsteen, Just Make It Stop, Plastic Cup, On My Own, Silver Rider, Especially Me, Sunflower, High + Right, Landslide, Canada, Murderer, Last Snowstorm of the Year, When I Go Deaf
Main: No Comprende, Kid in the Corner, Landslide, I'm on Fire by Bruce Springsteen, Just Make It Stop, Plastic Cup, On My Own, Holy Ghost, Monkey, Especially Me, Sunflower, Pissing, Dragonfly, Murderer
Encore: Two-Step, Canada