Main: Why Georgia, Bigger Than My Body, Belief, Slow Dancing in a Burning Room, Something's Missing, My Stupid Mouth, The Heart of Life, Vultures, Daughters, Waiting on the World to Change, Clarity
Encore: Gravity
Main: No Such Thing, My Stupid Mouth, Belief, Something's Missing, The Heart of Life, Daughters, Clarity, Bigger Than My Body, Waiting on the World to Change, Why Georgia
Encore: Neon, Gravity
Main: Why Georgia, Something's Missing, Vultures, Covered in Rain, My Stupid Mouth, Clarity, Daughters, I Don't Trust Myself (With Loving You), Waiting on the World to Change, In Repair
Encore: No Such Thing, Gravity
Main: Clarity, Why Georgia, Vultures, The Heart of Life, Something's Missing, My Stupid Mouth, Gravity, Waiting on the World to Change, Daughters, In Repair, No Such Thing
Main: Clarity, I Don't Trust Myself (With Loving You), Why Georgia, My Stupid Mouth, Vultures, The Heart of Life, Something's Missing, Gravity, Waiting on the World to Change, Daughters, In Repair
Encore: No Such Thing, I'm Gonna Find Another You