Setlists featuring The Spicy McHaggis Jig, page 3
6 Nov 2009 - Dropkick Murphys at The Fox Theater, Oakland, CA, USA
Main: Cadence to Arms, Do or Die, Captain Kelly's Kitchen, The State of Massachusetts, Johnny, I Hardly Knew Ya, (F)lannigan's Ball, Sunshine Highway, The Legend of Finn MacCumhail, Bastards on Parade, Tomorrow's Industry, The Spicy McHaggis Jig, Buried Alive, Walk Away, Your Spirit's Alive, The Warrior's Code, Citizen C.I.A., The Fields of Athenry by Pete St. John, Shattered, The Wild Rover by [traditional], Finnegan's Wake, Far Away Coast, Worker's Song, Boys on the Docks, Barroom Hero, Kiss Me, I'm Shitfaced
Encore: Baba O'Riley by The Who, I'm Shipping Up to Boston, Skinhead on the MBTA, Alcohol by Gang Green
14 Jul 2009 - Dropkick Murphys at Wien Arena, Vienna, Austria
Main: Cadence to Arms, Do or Die, Captain Kelly's Kitchen, Famous for Nothing, The State of Massachusetts, (F)lannigan's Ball, Sunshine Highway, Upstarts and Broken Hearts, The Spicy McHaggis Jig, Johnny, I Hardly Knew Ya, Bastards on Parade, Tomorrow's Industry, Walk Away, Far Away Coast, Your Spirit's Alive, The Warrior's Code, The Fields of Athenry by Pete St. John, Boys on the Docks, The Wild Rover by [traditional], The Dirty Glass, Forever, Worker's Song, Never Forget, Barroom Hero, I'm Shipping Up to Boston
Encore: Kiss Me, I'm Shitfaced, Skinhead on the MBTA, Citizen C.I.A.
12 Jul 2009 - Dropkick Murphys at Progresja, Warsaw, Poland
Main: Cadence to Arms, Do or Die, Captain Kelly's Kitchen, Famous for Nothing, The State of Massachusetts, (F)lannigan's Ball, Sunshine Highway, The Gauntlet, Johnny, I Hardly Knew Ya, Bastards on Parade, Tomorrow's Industry, Walk Away, Far Away Coast, Your Spirit's Alive, The Warrior's Code, The Fields of Athenry by Pete St. John, Shattered, The Spicy McHaggis Jig, The Wild Rover by [traditional], The Dirty Glass, Forever, Worker's Song, Rocky Road to Dublin by Traditional, Barroom Hero, Kiss Me, I'm Shitfaced
Encore: Boys on the Docks, I'm Shipping Up to Boston, Skinhead on the MBTA, Citizen C.I.A.
9 May 2009 - Dropkick Murphys at Ives Concert Park, Danbury, CT, USA
Main: The State of Massachusetts, Famous for Nothing, Johnny, I Hardly Knew Ya, Time to Go, Sunshine Highway, The Gauntlet, Bastards on Parade, Caught in a Jar, Captain Kelly's Kitchen, The Fields of Athenry by Pete St. John, (F)lannigan's Ball, Badlands by Bruce Springsteen, Tomorrow's Industry, The Spicy McHaggis Jig, Citizen C.I.A., 10 Years of Service, Tessie, Boys on the Docks, Black Velvet Band by The Dubliners, Wheel of Misfortune, Barroom Hero, Kiss Me, I'm Shitfaced
Encore: I'm Shipping Up to Boston
17 Apr 2009 - Dropkick Murphys at Babson College, Wellesley, MA, USA
Main: Famous for Nothing, The State of Massachusetts, Johnny, I Hardly Knew Ya, Time to Go, Sunshine Highway, The Gauntlet, Bastards on Parade, Caught in a Jar, Captain Kelly's Kitchen, The Fields of Athenry by Pete St. John, Your Spirit's Alive, Badlands by Bruce Springsteen, Tomorrow's Industry, The Spicy McHaggis Jig, Shattered, 10 Years of Service, Boys on the Docks, Tessie, Black Velvet Band by The Dubliners, Wheel of Misfortune, Never Forget, Barroom Hero, Kiss Me, I'm Shitfaced
Encore: I'm Shipping Up to Boston, Skinhead on the MBTA, Citizen C.I.A.
7 Mar 2009 - Dropkick Murphys at Roseland Ballroom, New York, NY, USA
Main: For Boston, Famous for Nothing, The State of Massachusetts, Citizen C.I.A., Curse of a Fallen Soul, Time to Go, Sunshine Highway, Shattered, The Fields of Athenry by Pete St. John, Your Spirit's Alive, The Warrior's Code, Caps and Bottles, Wicked Sensitive Crew, Wheel of Misfortune, Bastards on Parade, Johnny, I Hardly Knew Ya, The Dirty Glass, Tomorrow's Industry, The Spicy McHaggis Jig, Captain Kelly's Kitchen, Forever, Worker's Song, Never Forget, Barroom Hero, Kiss Me, I'm Shitfaced
Encore: Boys on the Docks, Badlands by Bruce Springsteen, I'm Shipping Up to Boston, Skinhead on the MBTA, Alcohol by Gang Green
3 Mar 2009 - Dropkick Murphys at The Fillmore Detroit, Detroit, MI, USA
Main: Famous for Nothing, The State of Massachusetts, Johnny, I Hardly Knew Ya, Curse of a Fallen Soul, Sunshine Highway, Time to Go, The Gauntlet, Bastards on Parade, 10 Years of Service, Captain Kelly's Kitchen, Caps and Bottles, Wicked Sensitive Crew, Your Spirit's Alive, The Warrior's Code, The Fields of Athenry by Pete St. John, Citizen C.I.A., The Spicy McHaggis Jig, The Dirty Glass, Forever, Worker's Song, Never Forget, Barroom Hero, Kiss Me, I'm Shitfaced
Encore: Boys on the Docks, Badlands by Bruce Springsteen, Skinhead on the MBTA, I'm Shipping Up to Boston
28 Feb 2009 - Dropkick Murphys at Congress Theater, Chicago, IL, USA
Main: Your Spirit's Alive, Captain Kelly's Kitchen, The Warrior's Code, Citizen C.I.A., The State of Massachusetts, Time to Go, Sunshine Highway, The Gauntlet, Bastards on Parade, 10 Years of Service, Johnny, I Hardly Knew Ya, The Chosen Few, Famous for Nothing, Caps and Bottles, Wicked Sensitive Crew, Fields of Athenry by [traditional], Pipebomb on Lansdowne, The Spicy McHaggis Jig, The Dirty Glass, Forever, Worker's Song, Never Forget, Barroom Hero, Kiss Me, I'm Shitfaced
Encore: Boys on the Docks, I'm Shipping Up to Boston, Badlands by Bruce Springsteen, Skinhead on the MBTA, Alcohol by Gang Green
21 Feb 2009 - Dropkick Murphys at The Warfield, San Francisco, CA, USA
Main: Citizen C.I.A., Captain Kelly's Kitchen, The Gauntlet, Caps and Bottles, Barroom Hero, The Spicy McHaggis Jig, Famous for Nothing, (F)lannigan's Ball, Forever, Bastards on Parade, Johnny, I Hardly Knew Ya, Fields of Athenry by [traditional], The Chosen Few, 10 Years of Service, The Dirty Glass, Boys on the Docks, The State of Massachusetts, Worker's Song, The Warrior's Code, Curse of a Fallen Soul, Sunshine Highway
Encore: Kiss Me, I'm Shitfaced, Skinhead on the MBTA, I'm Shipping Up to Boston
28 Jan 2009 - Dropkick Murphys at Billboard The Venue, Melbourne, Australia
Main: Cadence to Arms, Do or Die, Captain Kelly's Kitchen, The Warrior's Code, Citizen C.I.A., The State of Massachusetts, Curse of a Fallen Soul, Sunshine Highway, (F)lannigan's Ball, Bastards on Parade, 10 Years of Service, Johnny, I Hardly Knew Ya, The Chosen Few, Famous for Nothing, The Gauntlet, Fields of Athenry by [traditional], Pipebomb on Lansdowne, The Spicy McHaggis Jig, Forever, Worker's Song, Never Forget, Barroom Hero, Kiss Me, I'm Shitfaced
Encore: Boys on the Docks, Skinhead on the MBTA, I'm Shipping Up to Boston
21 Aug 2008 - Dropkick Murphys at Kasbah, Coventry, England
Main: Cadence to Arms, Famous for Nothing, Captain Kelly's Kitchen, The State of Massachusetts, Curse of a Fallen Soul, Sunshine Highway, John Law, Upstarts and Broken Hearts, Bastards on Parade, The Dirty Glass, Jailbreak by Thin Lizzy, Boys on the Docks, Fightstarter Karaoke, The Fields of Athenry by Pete St. John, Tomorrow's Industry, Johnny, I Hardly Knew Ya, God Willing, Forever, 21 Guitar Salute by The Press, Finnegan's Wake by [traditional], The Spicy McHaggis Jig, Kiss Me, I'm Shitfaced, I'm Shipping Up to Boston
Encore: Your Spirit's Alive, Shattered, Barroom Hero, Skinhead on the MBTA, Citizen C.I.A.
13 Jul 2008 - Dropkick Murphys at Starland Ballroom, Sayreville, NJ, USA
Main: For Boston, Boys on the Docks, Famous for Nothing, The State of Massachusetts, Johnny, I Hardly Knew Ya, Curse of a Fallen Soul, (F)lannigan's Ball, Bastards on Parade, The Fields of Athenry by Pete St. John, Tomorrow's Industry, The Wild Rover by [traditional], The Dirty Glass, Surrender, Black Velvet Band by The Dubliners, God Willing, Loyal to No One, Barroom Hero, Sunshine Highway, Shattered, Forever, Worker's Song, Captain Kelly's Kitchen, The Spicy McHaggis Jig, Kiss Me, I'm Shitfaced
Encore: I'm Shipping Up to Boston, Skinhead on the MBTA, Citizen C.I.A.
23 Jun 2007 - Dropkick Murphys at Southside Festival, Neuhausen ob Eck, Germany
Main: For Boston, The Legend of Finn MacCumhail, Boys on the Docks, Road of the Righteous, The State of Massachusetts, Heroes From Our Past, The Auld Triangle by Brendan Behan, Citizen C.I.A., Good Rats, Worker's Song, Your Spirit's Alive, The Warrior's Code, Bastards on Parade, Black Velvet Band by The Dubliners, Tessie, The Gauntlet, Forever, Rocky Road to Dublin by Traditional, The Spicy McHaggis Jig, The Wild Rover by [traditional], Barroom Hero, Sunshine Highway, Captain Kelly's Kitchen, I'm Shipping Up to Boston
29 Sep 2006 - Dropkick Murphys at Student Recreation Center, Pullman, WA, USA
Main: Your Spirit's Alive, Boys on the Docks, The Walking Dead, Sunshine Highway, Citizen C.I.A., The Wild Rover by [traditional], Heroes From Our Past, Bastards on Parade, The Guns of Brixton by The Clash, Good Rats, Buried Alive, The Gauntlet, Black Velvet Band by The Dubliners, As One, The Auld Triangle by Brendan Behan, The Warrior's Code, Wheel of Misfortune, The Gang's All Here, I'm Shipping Up to Boston, Rocky Road to Dublin by Traditional, The Spicy McHaggis Jig, Kiss Me, I'm Shitfaced
Encore: Worker's Song, Barroom Hero, Captain Kelly's Kitchen, Skinhead on the MBTA
16 Sep 2006 - Dropkick Murphys at Dalhousie Student Union, Halifax, NS, Canada
Main: For Boston, (unknown) by [unknown], Boys on the Docks, Never Alone, Rocky Road to Dublin by Traditional, Your Spirit's Alive, Caught in a Jar, In the Streets of Boston, Barroom Hero, The Walking Dead, Sunshine Highway, The Gauntlet, The Wild Rover by [traditional], Curse of a Fallen Soul, Bastards on Parade, The Warrior's Code, The Fields of Athenry by Pete St. John, Citizen C.I.A., Black Velvet Band by The Dubliners, I'm Shipping Up to Boston, The Spicy McHaggis Jig, Kiss Me, I'm Shitfaced
Encore: Skinhead on the MBTA, Captain Kelly's Kitchen, (unknown) by [unknown], Halloween by Misfits
15 Sep 2006 - Dropkick Murphys at Ushuaia, Orono, ME, USA
Main: For Boston, Fightstarter Karaoke, Boys on the Docks, Never Alone, Rocky Road to Dublin by Traditional, Your Spirit's Alive, Caught in a Jar, In the Streets of Boston, Barroom Hero, The Walking Dead, Sunshine Highway, The Gauntlet, Curse of a Fallen Soul, Bastards on Parade, Heroes From Our Past, The Dirty Glass, The Guns of Brixton by The Clash, The Fields of Athenry by Pete St. John, Citizen C.I.A.
Encore: Finnegan's Wake by [traditional], I'm Shipping Up to Boston, The Spicy McHaggis Jig, Kiss Me, I'm Shitfaced
18 Aug 2006 - Dropkick Murphys at CBGB, New York, NY, USA
Main: Cadence to Arms, Do or Die, Boys on the Docks, Never Alone, Your Spirit's Alive, The Warrior's Code, The Gauntlet, The Gang's All Here, Barroom Hero, Pipebomb on Lansdowne, Good Rats, Citizen C.I.A., The Dirty Glass, Devil's Brigade, The Fields of Athenry by Pete St. John, The Walking Dead, Bastards on Parade, Tessie, Finnegan's Wake by [traditional], I'm Shipping Up to Boston, Heroes From Our Past, The Spicy McHaggis Jig, Kiss Me, I'm Shitfaced
Encore: Worker's Song, Captain Kelly's Kitchen, Skinhead on the MBTA, Minor Threat by Minor Threat
16 Jul 2006 - Dropkick Murphys at Mulcahy's Pub and Concert Hall, Wantagh, NY, USA
Main: Cadence to Arms, Do or Die, Fightstarter Karaoke, Boys on the Docks, Never Alone, Rocky Road to Dublin by Traditional, Black Velvet Band by The Dubliners, Bastards on Parade, Heroes From Our Past, Devil's Brigade, Amazing Grace by John Newton, Citizen C.I.A., The Wild Rover by [traditional], Your Spirit's Alive, Caught in a Jar, Pipebomb on Lansdowne, Barroom Hero, The Walking Dead, Sunshine Highway, Buried Alive, Finnegan's Wake by [traditional], I'm Shipping Up to Boston, The Spicy McHaggis Jig, Kiss Me, I'm Shitfaced
Encore: Baba O'Riley by The Who, Worker's Song, Captain Kelly's Kitchen, Skinhead on the MBTA