Setlists featuring Zip City, page 41
10 Jun 2005 - Drive-By Truckers at Bonnaroo 2005
Main: Zip City, The Buford Stick, Never Gonna Change, Sink Hole, Carl Perkins' Cadillac, Cottonseed, The Living Bubba, The Day John Henry Died, Puttin' People on the Moon, Where the Devil Don't Stay, Outfit, Danko/Manuel, Lookout Mountain
Encore: Marry Me, Let There Be Rock, People Who Died by The Jim Carroll Band
9 Jun 2005 - Drive-By Truckers at Crossroads Cafe, Huntsville, AL, USA
Main: 72 (This Highway's Mean), Puttin' People on the Moon, Never Gonna Change, The Company I Keep, Rebels by Tom Petty and The Heartbreakers, One of These Days, Dead, Drunk, and Naked, Guitar Man Upstairs, Ronnie and Neil, Goddamn Lonely Love, My Sweet Annette, When the Pin Hits the Shell, Do It Yourself, Sink Hole, The Day John Henry Died, Decoration Day, Box of Spiders, Where the Devil Don't Stay, Lookout Mountain, Even the Losers by Tom Petty and The Heartbreakers, Zip City, Outfit, Let There Be Rock, Buttholeville
30 May 2005 - Drive-By Truckers at The Windjammer, Isle of Palms, SC, USA
Main: Road Cases, Let There Be Rock, Carl Perkins' Cadillac, TVA, Feb 14, Zip City, The Sands of Iwo Jima, The Day John Henry Died, Puttin' People on the Moon, Daddy's Cup, The Company I Keep, Decoration Day, The Three Great Alabama Icons, Wallace, Ronnie and Neil, Sounds Better in the Song, Women Without Whiskey, Sink Hole, Outfit, Goddamn Lonely Love, My Sweet Annette, Lookout Mountain, Box of Spiders, Never Gonna Change, Guitar Man Upstairs, Keep on Smilin' by Wet Willie
29 May 2005 - Drive-By Truckers at The Windjammer, Isle of Palms, SC, USA
Main: Buttholeville, Zip City, Never Gonna Change, Rebels by Tom Petty and The Heartbreakers, Heathens, Where the Devil Don't Stay, When the Pin Hits the Shell, Do It Yourself, Careless, Decoration Day, Let Me Roll It by Wings, Dead, Drunk, and Naked, Guitar Man Upstairs, Too Much Sex (Too Little Jesus), Danko/Manuel, Steve McQueen, Carl Perkins' Cadillac, Ronnie and Neil, Goddamn Lonely Love, Outfit, Lookout Mountain, Puttin' People on the Moon, Shut Up and Get on the Plane, Angels and Fuselage
28 May 2005 - Drive-By Truckers at Riverfront Parking Deck, Wilmington, NC, USA
Main: Zip City, Sink Hole, The Day John Henry Died, The Buford Stick, Carl Perkins' Cadillac, Women Without Whiskey, Heathens, Decoration Day, The Company I Keep, Dead, Drunk, and Naked, Guitar Man Upstairs, Goddamn Lonely Love, Do It Yourself, Marry Me, Let There Be Rock, Never Gonna Change, Lookout Mountain, Outfit, Daddy's Cup, Buttholeville, Keep on Smilin' by Wet Willie
20 May 2005 - Drive-By Truckers at Headliners, Louisville, KY, USA
Main: Sink Hole, Zip City, Decoration Day, Puttin' People on the Moon, One of These Days, Panties in Your Purse, Heathens, The Company I Keep, Outfit, Goddamn Lonely Love, Where the Devil Don't Stay, The Day John Henry Died, Tornadoes, Daddy's Cup, Never Gonna Change, Lookout Mountain
Encore: Box of Spiders, The Sands of Iwo Jima, Let Me Roll It by Wings, Marry Me, Margo and Harold, Buttholeville, Let There Be Rock
19 May 2005 - Drive-By Truckers at The Vogue, Indianapolis, IN, USA
Main: Zip City, The Buford Stick, Never Gonna Change, Birmingham, Sink Hole, Daddy's Cup, Road Cases, Dead, Drunk, and Naked, Guitar Man Upstairs, Steve McQueen, Outfit, Goddamn Lonely Love, Heathens, When the Pin Hits the Shell, Marry Me, Ronnie and Neil, The Day John Henry Died, Puttin' People on the Moon, Lookout Mountain
Encore: Rebels by Tom Petty and The Heartbreakers, Nine Bullets, Carl Perkins' Cadillac, Women Without Whiskey, Careless, Let There Be Rock
17 May 2005 - Drive-By Truckers at The Pageant, St. Louis, MO, USA
Main: Sink Hole, Where the Devil Don't Stay, The Day John Henry Died, Puttin' People on the Moon, Cottonseed, The Buford Stick, Decoration Day, Road Cases, The Sands of Iwo Jima, Daddy's Cup, My Sweet Annette, Your Daddy Hates Me, Goddamn Lonely Love, Outfit, Marry Me, Steve McQueen, Ain't Talkin' 'Bout Love by Van Halen, Lookout Mountain, Never Gonna Change, Zip City, Tornadoes
4 May 2005 - Drive-By Truckers at Paradiso, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Main: Puttin' People on the Moon, Cottonseed, Decoration Day, Sink Hole, The Sands of Iwo Jima, Women Without Whiskey, Carl Perkins' Cadillac, Ronnie and Neil, Outfit, Never Gonna Change, Heathens, Do It Yourself, Where the Devil Don't Stay, Goddamn Lonely Love, The Buford Stick, Love Like This, Buttholeville, Lookout Mountain
Encore: Tornadoes, The Day John Henry Died, Marry Me, Box of Spiders, Nine Bullets, Zip City, Let There Be Rock
27 Apr 2005 - Drive-By Truckers at Lock 17, London, England
Main: Zip City, The Buford Stick, Never Gonna Change, Sink Hole, The Tough Sell, Uncle Frank, Daddy's Cup, The Sands of Iwo Jima, Decoration Day, Goddamn Lonely Love, The Living Bubba, Where the Devil Don't Stay, Careless, Ronnie and Neil, Let Me Roll It by Wings, Box of Spiders, Women Without Whiskey, Carl Perkins' Cadillac, Danko/Manuel, Puttin' People on the Moon, Lookout Mountain, 18 Wheels of Love, The Day John Henry Died, Guitar Man Upstairs, Let There Be Rock
23 Apr 2005 - Drive-By Truckers at Tipitina's Uptown, New Orleans, LA, USA
Main: Zip City, Buttholeville, Never Gonna Change, Puttin' People on the Moon, Do It Yourself, Cottonseed, Ronnie and Neil, Goddamn Lonely Love, Danko/Manuel, Lookout Mountain, Sink Hole, Marry Me, Love Like This, Steve McQueen, The Day John Henry Died, Road Cases, Carl Perkins' Cadillac, The Living Bubba, These Arms of Mine by Otis Redding, Tornadoes, Where the Devil Don't Stay, Your Daddy Hates Me, Shut Up and Get on the Plane, Let There Be Rock, Women Without Whiskey
20 Apr 2005 - Drive-By Truckers at Headliners, Columbia, SC, USA
Main: Lookout Mountain, Where the Devil Don't Stay, Never Gonna Change, Tornadoes, The Buford Stick, Cottonseed, Sink Hole, Goddamn Lonely Love, Danko/Manuel, Hell No, I Ain't Happy, Daddy's Cup, Marry Me, Careless, Heathens, Decoration Day, Steve McQueen, The Day John Henry Died, Puttin' People on the Moon, Zip City, Let There Be Rock
17 Apr 2005 - Drive-By Truckers at Bottleneck, Lawrence, KS, USA
Main: Feb 14, Where the Devil Don't Stay, Never Gonna Change, Tornadoes, Lookout Mountain, Daddy's Cup, When the Pin Hits the Shell, Do It Yourself, Decoration Day, The Company I Keep, The Sands of Iwo Jima, Carl Perkins' Cadillac, Goddamn Lonely Love, Outfit, Puttin' People on the Moon, Careless, Sink Hole
Encore: The Assassin by Patterson Hood, Margo and Harold, Cottonseed, The Buford Stick, Nine Bullets, Zip City, Let There Be Rock
16 Apr 2005 - Drive-By Truckers at Fox Theatre, Boulder, CO, USA
Main: The Tough Sell, Uncle Frank, Never Gonna Change, Buttholeville, The Buford Stick, When the Pin Hits the Shell, Do It Yourself, Danko/Manuel, Sandwiches for the Road, Zoloft, One of These Days, Love Like This, Puttin' People on the Moon, Road Cases, Ronnie and Neil, Nine Bullets, Women Without Whiskey, The Southern Thing, Lookout Mountain
Encore 1: Granddaddy by Patterson Hood, 18 Wheels of Love, The Day John Henry Died, Feb 14, Cottonseed
Encore 2: Tornadoes, Zip City, Sink Hole, Goddamn Lonely Love, Let There Be Rock, Keep on Smilin' by Wet Willie
15 Apr 2005 - Drive-By Truckers at Fox Theatre, Boulder, CO, USA
Main: Birmingham, Where the Devil Don't Stay, Outfit, Careless, Heathens, Marry Me, Women Without Whiskey, The Three Great Alabama Icons, Ronnie and Neil, The Day John Henry Died, Sink Hole, Your Daddy Hates Me, The Living Bubba, Goddamn Lonely Love, Daddy's Cup, Carl Perkins' Cadillac, The Boys From Alabama, Decoration Day, Steve McQueen, Bulldozers and Dirt, Zip City, Let Me Roll It by Wings, Hell No, I Ain't Happy, Ain't Talkin' 'Bout Love by Van Halen, Let There Be Rock
9 Apr 2005 - Drive-By Truckers at The Fillmore, San Francisco, CA, USA
Main: Where the Devil Don't Stay, Tornadoes, Decoration Day, Buttholeville, One of These Days, Cottonseed, The Buford Stick, Sink Hole, Danko/Manuel, Never Gonna Change, Feb 14, The Company I Keep, Carl Perkins' Cadillac, Daddy's Cup, The Day John Henry Died, Box of Spiders, The Living Bubba, Zip City, Puttin' People on the Moon, Lookout Mountain, These Arms of Mine by Otis Redding, 18 Wheels of Love, Marry Me, Heathens, Goddamn Lonely Love, Ronnie and Neil, Shut Up and Get on the Plane, Outfit, Let There Be Rock
2 Apr 2005 - Drive-By Truckers at New Daisy Theatre, Memphis, TN, USA
Main: Tornadoes, Where the Devil Don't Stay, The Day John Henry Died, The Boys From Alabama, Cottonseed, The Buford Stick, Sink Hole, Never Gonna Change, Goddamn Lonely Love, The Night G.G. Allin Came to Town, One of These Days, Daddy's Cup, Ronnie and Neil, Wallace, Let Me Roll It by Wings, Marry Me, The Company I Keep, Decoration Day, Carl Perkins' Cadillac, Puttin' People on the Moon, Lookout Mountain, Outfit, Women Without Whiskey, Zip City, Let There Be Rock, Buttholeville, People Who Died by The Jim Carroll Band
1 Apr 2005 - Drive-By Truckers at Mississippi Nights, St. Louis, MO, USA
Main: Uncle Frank, Sink Hole, Never Gonna Change, The Buford Stick, Cottonseed, The Boys From Alabama, Goddamn Lonely Love, Danko/Manuel, Ronnie and Neil, Life in the Factory, Women Without Whiskey, Daddy's Cup, Dead, Drunk, and Naked, Guitar Man Upstairs, The Day John Henry Died, The Sands of Iwo Jima, Where the Devil Don't Stay, Puttin' People on the Moon, Lookout Mountain
Encore: Outfit, Zip City, Let There Be Rock, People Who Died by The Jim Carroll Band
30 Mar 2005 - Drive-By Truckers at Highdive, Champaign, IL, USA
Main: Tornadoes, 72 (This Highway's Mean), (Something's Got To) Give Pretty Soon, The Day John Henry Died, Never Gonna Change, Tales Facing Up, Box of Spiders, Uncle Frank, Daddy's Cup, The Buford Stick, Your Daddy Hates Me, Outfit, Goddamn Lonely Love, The Living Bubba, Zip City, Puttin' People on the Moon, Lookout Mountain
Encore 1: Granddaddy by Patterson Hood, Buttholeville, Ain't Talkin' 'Bout Love by Van Halen, Nine Bullets, Carl Perkins' Cadillac, Let There Be Rock
Encore 2: Decoration Day, Sink Hole, Women Without Whiskey, Keep on Smilin' by Wet Willie