Setlists featuring Shut Up and Get on the Plane, page 5
15 Feb 2020 - Drive-By Truckers at 40 Watt, Athens, GA, USA
Main: Surrender Under Protest, Darkened Flags on the Cusp of Dawn, Ramon Casiano, Armageddon's Back in Town, Grievance Merchants, Awaiting Resurrection, A Ghost to Most, Goode's Field Road, Women Without Whiskey, Play It All Night Long by Warren Zevon, Where the Devil Don't Stay, Heroin Again, Uncle Frank, Babies in Cages, Once They Banned Imagine, Thoughts and Prayers, Marry Me, Days of Graduation, Ronnie and Neil, 72 (This Highway's Mean), Lookout Mountain, Gravity's Gone, The Company I Keep, Birthday Boy, The Righteous Path, A Ghost to Most, A Ghost to Most, Let There Be Rock, Shut Up and Get on the Plane, Hell No, I Ain't Happy, Rockin' in the Free World by Neil Young, People Who Died by The Jim Carroll Band
14 Feb 2020 - Drive-By Truckers at 40 Watt, Athens, GA, USA
Main: The Living Bubba, A Ghost to Most, Feb 14, Marry Me, Sink Hole, Uncle Frank, This Fucking Job, Made Up English Oceans, Rosemary With a Bible and a Gun, Slow Ride Argument, Heroin Again, Shit Shots Count, Armageddon's Back in Town, Gravity's Gone, Wednesday, When the Pin Hits the Shell, Box of Spiders, 72 (This Highway's Mean), Dead, Drunk, and Naked, Guitar Man Upstairs, Why Henry Drinks, Women Without Whiskey, 18 Wheels of Love, Where the Devil Don't Stay, Steve McQueen, Shut Up and Get on the Plane, Angels and Fuselage
13 Feb 2020 - Drive-By Truckers at 40 Watt, Athens, GA, USA
Main: Shut Up and Get on the Plane, Puttin' People on the Moon, Where the Devil Don't Stay, Used to Be a Cop, Slow Ride Argument, Heroin Again, When the Pin Hits the Shell, Do It Yourself, Gravity's Gone, I'm Eighteen by Alice Cooper, Zip City, Heathens, 3 Dimes Down, Buttholeville, Grievance Merchants, Awaiting Resurrection, Love Like This, The Opening Act, Sounds Better in the Song, Tornadoes, A Ghost to Most, Lookout Mountain, Ramon Casiano, Grand Canyon
18 Jan 2020 - Drive-By Truckers at Gothic Theatre, Englewood, CO, USA
Main: Slow Ride Argument, Heroin Again, Birthday Boy, The Righteous Path, Where the Devil Don't Stay, The Living Bubba, Grievance Merchants, Awaiting Resurrection, Sounds Better in the Song, (Something's Got To) Give Pretty Soon, Marry Me, Play It All Night Long by Warren Zevon, First Air of Autumn, My Sweet Annette, Love Like This, Heathens, Women Without Whiskey, Ronnie and Neil, Shut Up and Get on the Plane, Angels and Fuselage, Shit Shots Count, Sink Hole, Uncle Frank, Armageddon's Back in Town, Ramon Casiano, Darkened Flags on the Cusp of Dawn, Surrender Under Protest, The KKK Took My Baby Away by Ramones, Hell No, I Ain't Happy
17 Nov 2019 - Drive-By Truckers at Tower Theatre, Oklahoma City, OK, USA
Main: Carl Perkins' Cadillac, The Living Bubba, 3 Dimes Down, Ronnie and Neil, 72 (This Highway's Mean), 21st Century USA, One of These Days, The Sands of Iwo Jima, Ramon Casiano, Darkened Flags on the Cusp of Dawn, Gravity's Gone, Sink Hole, Surrender Under Protest, The KKK Took My Baby Away by Ramones, The Company I Keep, Women Without Whiskey, Feb 14, Marry Me, A World of Hurt, First Air of Autumn, Thoughts and Prayers, Slow Ride Argument, Let There Be Rock, Shut Up and Get on the Plane, Angels and Fuselage
26 Sep 2019 - Drive-By Truckers at Tipitina's Uptown, New Orleans, LA, USA
Main: Birthday Boy, The Righteous Path, A Ghost to Most, Goode's Field Road, Gravity's Gone, Lookout Mountain, Made Up English Oceans, Rosemary With a Bible and a Gun, Women Without Whiskey, Dead, Drunk, and Naked, Guitar Man Upstairs, Sink Hole, Uncle Frank, Days of Graduation, Ronnie and Neil, Surrender Under Protest, Darkened Flags on the Cusp of Dawn, 72 (This Highway's Mean), Used to Be a Cop, Slow Ride Argument, Babies in Cages, Ramon Casiano, The KKK Took My Baby Away by Ramones, The Company I Keep, Marry Me, Buttholeville, Zip City, Let There Be Rock, Shut Up and Get on the Plane, Hell No, I Ain't Happy, People Who Died by The Jim Carroll Band
4 Jul 2019 - Drive-By Truckers at Lee's Palace, Toronto, ON, Canada
Main: The Fourth Night of My Drinking, A Ghost to Most, Days of Graduation, Ronnie and Neil, 72 (This Highway's Mean), Birmingham, 3 Dimes Down, Drag the Lake Charlie, One of These Days, Awaiting Resurrection, First Air of Autumn, My Sweet Annette, Marry Me, Ain't Talkin' 'Bout Love by Van Halen, Kinky Hypocrite, Buttholeville, Sounds Better in the Song, Pauline Hawkins, Women Without Whiskey, Tales Facing Up, Filthy and Fried, The Righteous Path, Surrender Under Protest, The KKK Took My Baby Away by Ramones, Darkened Flags on the Cusp of Dawn, Gravity's Gone, Plastic Flowers on the Highway, Shut Up and Get on the Plane, Angels and Fuselage
Encore: Rockin' in the Free World by Neil Young
21 Jun 2019 - Drive-By Truckers at Brooklyn Bowl, Brooklyn, NY, USA
Main: The Fourth Night of My Drinking, 3 Dimes Down, Drag the Lake Charlie, Gravity's Gone, Feb 14, Marry Me, 21st Century USA, Panties in Your Purse, Dead, Drunk, and Naked, Guitar Man Upstairs, (Something's Got To) Give Pretty Soon, Sounds Better in the Song, Sink Hole, Made Up English Oceans, Rosemary With a Bible and a Gun, Slow Ride Argument, Adam Raised a Cain by Bruce Springsteen, Where the Devil Don't Stay, Tornadoes, Uncle Frank, Goode's Field Road, Shit Shots Count, Buttholeville, Shut Up and Get on the Plane, Angels and Fuselage
15 Feb 2019 - Drive-By Truckers at 40 Watt, Athens, GA, USA
Main: Days of Graduation, Ronnie and Neil, 72 (This Highway's Mean), Birmingham, One of These Days, Margo and Harold, Sounds Better in the Song, Dead, Drunk, and Naked, Guitar Man Upstairs, Adam Raised a Cain by Bruce Springsteen, Surrender Under Protest, Darkened Flags on the Cusp of Dawn, Made Up English Oceans, Rosemary With a Bible and a Gun, Slow Ride Argument, Babies in Cages, Ramon Casiano, The Southern Thing, Women Without Whiskey, Why Henry Drinks, Gravity's Gone, Do It Yourself, When the Pin Hits the Shell, A World of Hurt, Shit Shots Count, Let There Be Rock, Shut Up and Get on the Plane, Angels and Fuselage
6 Apr 2018 - Drive-By Truckers at Thalia Hall, Chicago, IL, USA
Main: Guns of Umpqua, Ramon Casiano, Puttin' People on the Moon, Gravity's Gone, Days of Graduation, Ronnie and Neil, 3 Dimes Down, Buttholeville, 72 (This Highway's Mean), Dead, Drunk, and Naked, Guitar Man Upstairs, The Southern Thing, Surrender Under Protest, Darkened Flags on the Cusp of Dawn, First Air of Autumn, My Sweet Annette, Love Like This, Runaway Train by Adam's House Cat, Shit Shots Count, Pauline Hawkins, Women Without Whiskey, What It Means, Filthy and Fried, The Righteous Path, Shut Up and Get on the Plane
29 Mar 2018 - Drive-By Truckers at Brooklyn Bowl, Brooklyn, NY, USA
Main: Zip City, Heroin Again, Filthy and Fried, The Righteous Path, Ramon Casiano, Darkened Flags on the Cusp of Dawn, Sounds Better in the Song, The Living Bubba, 3 Dimes Down, Sink Hole, Slow Ride Argument, The Perilous Night, Kinky Hypocrite, The KKK Took My Baby Away by Ramones, Do It Yourself, When the Pin Hits the Shell, Ronnie and Neil, Women Without Whiskey, When the Levee Breaks by Memphis Minnie & Kansas Joe McCoy, What It Means, Surrender Under Protest, Let There Be Rock, Shut Up and Get on the Plane, Angels and Fuselage
23 Mar 2018 - Drive-By Truckers at Hargray Capitol Theatre, Macon, GA, USA
Main: Surrender Under Protest, Darkened Flags on the Cusp of Dawn, Gravity's Gone, Days of Graduation, Ronnie and Neil, 3 Dimes Down, Sink Hole, Uncle Frank, The Perilous Night, Once They Banned Imagine, Ever South, Kinky Hypocrite, The KKK Took My Baby Away by Ramones, Tales Facing Up, Filthy and Fried, The Righteous Path, Ramon Casiano, Puttin' People on the Moon, Women Without Whiskey, Guns of Umpqua, Sounds Better in the Song, Heathens, Marry Me, What It Means, Birthday Boy, Hell No, I Ain't Happy, Slow Ride Argument, Let There Be Rock, Shut Up and Get on the Plane, Angels and Fuselage
16 Feb 2018 - Drive-By Truckers at 40 Watt, Athens, GA, USA
Main: The Living Bubba, Made Up English Oceans, Baggage, Women Without Whiskey, Pauline Hawkins, 72 (This Highway's Mean), Days of Graduation, Ronnie and Neil, Surrender Under Protest, Sink Hole, Uncle Frank, Why Henry Drinks, Marry Me, Buttholeville, Shit Shots Count, Ain't Talkin' 'Bout Love by Van Halen, Sounds Better in the Song, (Something's Got To) Give Pretty Soon, Kinky Hypocrite, The KKK Took My Baby Away by Ramones, Steve McQueen, Zip City, Let There Be Rock, Shut Up and Get on the Plane, Angels and Fuselage
15 Feb 2018 - Drive-By Truckers at 40 Watt, Athens, GA, USA
Main: Guns of Umpqua, Where the Devil Don't Stay, Sink Hole, A Ghost to Most, Tornadoes, Sounds Better in the Song, Heathens, Zip City, Dead, Drunk, and Naked, Guitar Man Upstairs, Ronnie and Neil, Surrender Under Protest, Lookout Mountain, Women Without Whiskey, Late for Church, Wife Beater, Filthy and Fried, Hanging On, Made Up English Oceans, Too Much Sex (Too Little Jesus), Birthday Boy, The Perilous Night, Ramon Casiano, Puttin' People on the Moon, Shut Up and Get on the Plane, Grand Canyon
10 Feb 2018 - Drive-By Truckers at The Van Buren, Phoenix, AZ, USA
Main: Surrender Under Protest, Lookout Mountain, When the Pin Hits the Shell, Baggage, 3 Dimes Down, Sink Hole, Ramon Casiano, The Perilous Night, Once They Banned Imagine, The Living Bubba, Shit Shots Count, Ronnie and Neil, 72 (This Highway's Mean), Ever South, Women Without Whiskey, Runaway Train by Adam's House Cat, Marry Me, The Company I Keep, Kinky Hypocrite, The KKK Took My Baby Away by Ramones, What It Means, Filthy and Fried, Let There Be Rock, Shut Up and Get on the Plane
8 Feb 2018 - Drive-By Truckers at The Great American Music Hall, San Francisco, CA, USA
Main: Ramon Casiano, Puttin' People on the Moon, A Ghost to Most, Guns of Umpqua, Where the Devil Don't Stay, Used to Be a Cop, Guitar Man Upstairs, The Company I Keep, First Air of Autumn, Runaway Train by Adam's House Cat, Marry Me, Why Henry Drinks, Women Without Whiskey, 18 Wheels of Love, Shit Shots Count, Sink Hole, Once They Banned Imagine, What It Means, Filthy and Fried, The Righteous Path, 3 Dimes Down, Lookout Mountain, Shut Up and Get on the Plane, The KKK Took My Baby Away by Ramones, Hell No, I Ain't Happy
7 Feb 2018 - Drive-By Truckers at The Great American Music Hall, San Francisco, CA, USA
Main: Surrender Under Protest, Buttholeville, Where the Devil Don't Stay, Baggage, Women Without Whiskey, The Living Bubba, 3 Dimes Down, Ronnie and Neil, Made Up English Oceans, My Sweet Annette, Kinky Hypocrite, The KKK Took My Baby Away by Ramones, Sink Hole, Uncle Frank, Southern Accents by Tom Petty and The Heartbreakers, Ever South, 72 (This Highway's Mean), The Perilous Night, Shit Shots Count, Tornadoes, A Ghost to Most, What It Means, Ramon Casiano, Heathens, Filthy and Fried, Let There Be Rock, Shut Up and Get on the Plane, Angels and Fuselage
1 Feb 2018 - Drive-By Truckers at Roseland Theater, Portland, OR, USA
Main: Guns of Umpqua, Ramon Casiano, Ronnie and Neil, Marry Me, Sink Hole, Women Without Whiskey, The Perilous Night, Surrender Under Protest, Ever South, Southern Accents by Tom Petty and The Heartbreakers, Heathens, A Ghost to Most, My Sweet Annette, Made Up English Oceans, Runaway Train by Adam's House Cat, Shit Shots Count, The Company I Keep, Kinky Hypocrite, The KKK Took My Baby Away by Ramones, Lookout Mountain, Filthy and Fried, The Righteous Path, Uncle Frank, What It Means, Shut Up and Get on the Plane, Hell No, I Ain't Happy
30 Sep 2017 - Drive-By Truckers at Variety Playhouse, Atlanta, GA, USA
Main: Surrender Under Protest, Baggage, Filthy and Fried, The Righteous Path, 72 (This Highway's Mean), The Southern Thing, 3 Dimes Down, Sink Hole, Ramon Casiano, The Perilous Night, A Ghost to Most, Goode's Field Road, Women Without Whiskey, The Living Bubba, Shit Shots Count, Why Henry Drinks, First Air of Autumn, My Sweet Annette, Made Up English Oceans, 18 Wheels of Love, Marry Me, The KKK Took My Baby Away by Ramones, Lookout Mountain, Zip City, What It Means, Once They Banned Imagine, Let There Be Rock, Shut Up and Get on the Plane, Hell No, I Ain't Happy, People Who Died by The Jim Carroll Band
22 Sep 2017 - Drive-By Truckers at The Orange Peel, Asheville, NC, USA
Main: Filthy and Fried, The Perilous Night, 3 Dimes Down, Ronnie and Neil, Kinky Hypocrite, The KKK Took My Baby Away by Ramones, Sink Hole, Surrender Under Protest, Guns of Umpqua, A Ghost to Most, Ever South, Shit Shots Count, Wife Beater, Ramon Casiano, Heroin Again, When the Pin Hits the Shell, A World of Hurt, Marry Me, Buttholeville, Zip City, What It Means, Once They Banned Imagine, Let There Be Rock, Women Without Whiskey, Lookout Mountain, Shut Up and Get on the Plane, Angels and Fuselage