Setlists featuring Feb 14, page 11
10 Mar 2006 - Drive-By Truckers at Culture Room, Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA
Main: Zip City, Feb 14, Never Gonna Change, Puttin' People on the Moon, Carl Perkins' Cadillac, Rebels by Tom Petty and The Heartbreakers, Easy on Yourself, Aftermath USA, Dead, Drunk, and Naked, Guitar Man Upstairs, Tales Facing Up, Sink Hole, Outfit, My Sweet Annette, Daddy's Cup, Steve McQueen, Play It All Night Long by Warren Zevon, Lookout Mountain
Encore: Goodbye, Goddamn Lonely Love, 18 Wheels of Love, Shut Up and Get on the Plane, Let There Be Rock, People Who Died by The Jim Carroll Band, Buttholeville
25 Feb 2006 - Drive-By Truckers at Cannery Ballroom, Nashville, TN, USA
Main: Feb 14, Women Without Whiskey, The Day John Henry Died, Wednesday, Cottonseed, Puttin' People on the Moon, Never Gonna Change, Ronnie and Neil, Where the Devil Don't Stay, Dead, Drunk, and Naked, Guitar Man Upstairs, Tales Facing Up, Goddamn Lonely Love, Aftermath USA, Sink Hole, Daddy's Cup, My Sweet Annette, Decoration Day, Marry Me, 18 Wheels of Love, Lookout Mountain
Encore: Holland, 1945 by Neutral Milk Hotel, A World of Hurt, Let There Be Rock, Carl Perkins' Cadillac, Easy on Yourself, Buttholeville, People Who Died by The Jim Carroll Band
24 Feb 2006 - Drive-By Truckers at The Orange Peel, Asheville, NC, USA
Main: Wednesday, 72 (This Highway's Mean), Daylight, Aftermath USA, Sink Hole, Where the Devil Don't Stay, Dead, Drunk, and Naked, Guitar Man Upstairs, Never Gonna Change, The Living Bubba, Carl Perkins' Cadillac, Let Me Roll It by Wings, My Sweet Annette, Bulldozers and Dirt, Marry Me, Feb 14, Outfit, Puttin' People on the Moon, Daddy's Cup, Ronnie and Neil, Decoration Day, Do It Yourself, Shut Up and Get on the Plane
Encore 1: 18 Wheels of Love, Zip City, Goddamn Lonely Love, A World of Hurt, Let There Be Rock, Buttholeville
Encore 2: Lookout Mountain, People Who Died by The Jim Carroll Band
23 Feb 2006 - Drive-By Truckers at Hampden-Sydney College, Hampden-Sydney, VA, USA
Main: Buttholeville, Zip City, The Day John Henry Died, Puttin' People on the Moon, Daddy's Cup, My Sweet Annette, Tales Facing Up, Daylight, Feb 14, Marry Me, Sandwiches for the Road, Goddamn Lonely Love, 18 Wheels of Love, Carl Perkins' Cadillac, Never Gonna Change, Lookout Mountain
Encore: Granddaddy by Patterson Hood, The Living Bubba, Women Without Whiskey, Outfit, Let There Be Rock
22 Feb 2006 - Drive-By Truckers at Starr Hill, Charlottesville, VA, USA
Main: Wednesday, Marry Me, Never Gonna Change, Feb 14, Steve McQueen, 72 (This Highway's Mean), Ronnie and Neil, Easy on Yourself, Aftermath USA, Tales Facing Up, When the Pin Hits the Shell, Do It Yourself, Decoration Day, Puttin' People on the Moon, Daddy's Cup, Road Cases, Carl Perkins' Cadillac, Heathens, Goddamn Lonely Love, 18 Wheels of Love, Cottonseed, Outfit, Careless, Lookout Mountain
Encore: Zip City, Let There Be Rock, The Day John Henry Died, People Who Died by The Jim Carroll Band
21 Jan 2006 - Drive-By Truckers at 40 Watt, Athens, GA, USA
Main: Lookout Mountain, Cottonseed, The Day John Henry Died, Wednesday, Feb 14, Marry Me, Where the Devil Don't Stay, Steve McQueen, Goddamn Lonely Love, Box of Spiders, Puttin' People on the Moon, Carl Perkins' Cadillac, When the Pin Hits the Shell, Do It Yourself, Sink Hole, Outfit, Never Gonna Change, The Buford Stick, Ronnie and Neil
Encore: Dead, Drunk, and Naked, Guitar Man Upstairs, The Living Bubba, Let Me Roll It by Wings, Let There Be Rock, People Who Died by The Jim Carroll Band
20 Jan 2006 - Drive-By Truckers at 40 Watt, Athens, GA, USA
Main: Wednesday, Cottonseed, The Day John Henry Died, Puttin' People on the Moon, Zip City, Aftermath USA, Decoration Day, 18 Wheels of Love, One of These Days, Gravity's Gone, Heathens, Easy on Yourself, Feb 14, Women Without Whiskey, Sink Hole, Goddamn Lonely Love, Danko/Manuel, Tales Facing Up, Daddy's Cup, Lookout Mountain
Encore: Space City, Bulldozers and Dirt, Never Gonna Change, Ronnie and Neil, Guitar Man Upstairs, Road Cases, Outfit, Let There Be Rock, A World of Hurt, Buttholeville
19 Jan 2006 - Drive-By Truckers at 40 Watt, Athens, GA, USA
Main: Wednesday, A Blessing and a Curse, Marry Me, Easy on Yourself, Lookout Mountain, Uncle Frank, Gravity's Gone, Margo and Harold, Goddamn Lonely Love, Goodbye, Sink Hole, Women Without Whiskey, My Sweet Annette, The Company I Keep, Daylight, Careless, Where the Devil Don't Stay, Dead, Drunk, and Naked, Guitar Man Upstairs, Never Gonna Change, Feb 14, Let There Be Rock
Encore: Space City, A World of Hurt, The Living Bubba, Outfit, Shut Up and Get on the Plane, Ain't Talkin' 'Bout Love by Van Halen
26 Nov 2005 - Drive-By Truckers at Tabernacle, Atlanta, GA, USA
Main: Zip City, Puttin' People on the Moon, Goddamn Lonely Love, Feb 14, Sink Hole, When the Pin Hits the Shell, Shut Up and Get on the Plane, Road Cases, Ronnie and Neil, Never Gonna Change, Runaway Train by Adam's House Cat, Tornadoes, Where the Devil Don't Stay, Dead, Drunk, and Naked, Guitar Man Upstairs, Bulldozers and Dirt, Outfit, Zoloft, One of These Days, The Living Bubba
Encore: Long Time Ago by Patterson Hood, Lookout Mountain, Danko/Manuel, Women Without Whiskey, Louisiana 1927 by Randy Newman, Let There Be Rock, Buttholeville
19 Nov 2005 - Drive-By Truckers at Cat's Cradle, Carrboro, NC, USA
Main: Steve McQueen, Never Gonna Change, 72 (This Highway's Mean), The Southern Thing, Rebels by Tom Petty and The Heartbreakers, TVA, My Sweet Annette, Puttin' People on the Moon, Daddy's Cup, Dead, Drunk, and Naked, Guitar Man Upstairs, Sink Hole, The Day John Henry Died, The Night G.G. Allin Came to Town, Uncle Frank, Ronnie and Neil, Decoration Day, Marry Me, Feb 14, Let There Be Rock
Encore: Louisiana 1927 by Randy Newman, Road Cases, Shut Up and Get on the Plane, Keep on Smilin' by Wet Willie, The Living Bubba
18 Nov 2005 - Drive-By Truckers at Cat's Cradle, Carrboro, NC, USA
Main: Puttin' People on the Moon, Women Without Whiskey, Decoration Day, Sink Hole, Box of Spiders, The Deeper In, Where the Devil Don't Stay, Do It Yourself, Buttholeville, The Day John Henry Died, Margo and Harold, The Company I Keep, Let Me Roll It by Wings, Careless, When the Pin Hits the Shell, Marry Me, Ronnie and Neil, Never Gonna Change, Heathens, Cottonseed, The Buford Stick, Lookout Mountain
Encore: Granddaddy by Patterson Hood, Let There Be Rock, Outfit, Zip City, Feb 14, People Who Died by The Jim Carroll Band
17 Nov 2005 - Drive-By Truckers at Tremont Music Hall, Charlotte, NC, USA
Main: Cottonseed, The Buford Stick, Never Gonna Change, Sink Hole, Marry Me, Dead, Drunk, and Naked, Guitar Man Upstairs, Road Cases, The Day John Henry Died, Your Daddy Hates Me, Love Like This, My Sweet Annette, Feb 14, Danko/Manuel, Ronnie and Neil, Carl Perkins' Cadillac, One of These Days, Goddamn Lonely Love, Puttin' People on the Moon, Lookout Mountain
Encore: Bulldozers and Dirt, Where the Devil Don't Stay, Outfit, Buttholeville
13 Oct 2005 - Drive-By Truckers at Rhythm & Brews, Chattanooga, TN, USA
Main: Marry Me, My Sweet Annette, Decoration Day, Puttin' People on the Moon, Why Henry Drinks, Daddy's Cup, Sink Hole, The Day John Henry Died, The Boys From Alabama, Feb 14, Carl Perkins' Cadillac, Women Without Whiskey, The Sands of Iwo Jima, Never Gonna Change, Lookout Mountain
Encore: Louisiana 1927 by Randy Newman, Rebels by Tom Petty and The Heartbreakers, Shut Up and Get on the Plane, Goddamn Lonely Love, Bulldozers and Dirt, Let There Be Rock
23 Sep 2005 - Drive-By Truckers at La Zona Rosa, Austin, TX, USA
Main: The Living Bubba, Where the Devil Don't Stay, The Day John Henry Died, Puttin' People on the Moon, Heathens, Why Henry Drinks, Decoration Day, Do It Yourself, When the Pin Hits the Shell, Careless, Sink Hole, Outfit, Buttholeville, Lookout Mountain
Encore: Louisiana 1927 by Randy Newman, Tornadoes, Marry Me, Never Gonna Change, Feb 14, Zip City, Let There Be Rock, People Who Died by The Jim Carroll Band
6 Sep 2005 - Drive-By Truckers at Academy 3, Manchester, England
Main: When the Pin Hits the Shell, Do It Yourself, The Day John Henry Died, Puttin' People on the Moon, Sink Hole, Women Without Whiskey, Feb 14, Decoration Day, The Night G.G. Allin Came to Town, My Sweet Annette, Guitar Man Upstairs, Daddy's Cup, Steve McQueen, Goddamn Lonely Love, Outfit, Hell No, I Ain't Happy, Marry Me, Careless, Lookout Mountain
Encore: Louisiana 1927 by Randy Newman, Ronnie and Neil, Where the Devil Don't Stay, Let Me Roll It by Wings, Let There Be Rock
27 Aug 2005 - Drive-By Truckers at Jupiter Bar & Grill, Tuscaloosa, AL, USA
Main: Puttin' People on the Moon, Where the Devil Don't Stay, Never Gonna Change, Heathens, Love Like This, Marry Me, Careless, Your Daddy Hates Me, Decoration Day, Feb 14, Daddy's Cup, Sounds Better in the Song, Women Without Whiskey, Sink Hole, Goddamn Lonely Love, Outfit, Ronnie and Neil, Carl Perkins' Cadillac, Buttholeville, Let There Be Rock
Encore: Box of Spiders, Nine Bullets, Zip City, Lookout Mountain
26 Aug 2005 - Drive-By Truckers at Tipitina's Uptown, New Orleans, LA, USA
Main: Shut Up and Get on the Plane, Do It Yourself, The Day John Henry Died, Sink Hole, Heathens, Women Without Whiskey, Daddy's Cup, Hell No, I Ain't Happy, Decoration Day, Buttholeville, Zip City, Feb 14, Outfit, Goddamn Lonely Love, Puttin' People on the Moon, Lookout Mountain
Encore 1: The Night G.G. Allin Came to Town, Never Gonna Change, Dead, Drunk, and Naked, Guitar Man Upstairs, Careless, The Living Bubba
Encore 2: Let There Be Rock, Where the Devil Don't Stay, Let Me Roll It by Wings, Ronnie and Neil
25 Jun 2005 - Drive-By Truckers at Borgata Hotel / Casino, Atlantic City, NJ, USA
Main: (Something's Got To) Give Pretty Soon, One of These Days, The Day John Henry Died, The Buford Stick, Feb 14, Where the Devil Don't Stay, Heathens, Never Gonna Change, Decoration Day, 18 Wheels of Love, Marry Me, Dead, Drunk, and Naked, Guitar Man Upstairs, Goddamn Lonely Love, Outfit, The Boys From Alabama, Carl Perkins' Cadillac, Daddy's Cup, Let There Be Rock, Keep on Smilin' by Wet Willie