Main: So Much to Say, When the World Ends, Granny, Drive In Drive Out, Lover Lay Down, Too Much, Grace Is Gone, Rhyme & Reason, Lie in Our Graves, Digging a Ditch, Grey Street, Warehouse, Where Are You Going, I Did It
Encore: The Space Between, What Would You Say
Main: What Would You Say, Grey Street, I Did It, You Never Know, Crush, Raven, Pig, Sleep to Dream Her, Grace Is Gone, Too Much, Busted Stuff, Bartender, The Space Between, Pantala Naga Pampa, Rapunzel
Encore: Where Are You Going, Don't Drink the Water
Main: Don't Drink the Water, If I Had It All, When the World Ends, Raven, Lover Lay Down, Busted Stuff, So Much to Say, Pig, Where Are You Going, Help Myself, Too Much, Grace Is Gone, Bartender, What Would You Say
Encore: Funny How Time Slips Away by Willie Nelson, The Space Between, I Did It
Main: Too Much, What Would You Say, I Did It, Busted Stuff, Raven, Warehouse, Where Are You Going, Drive In Drive Out, The Space Between, Rhyme & Reason, Big Eyed Fish, Bartender, Grace Is Gone, Pantala Naga Pampa, Rapunzel
Encore: Pig, Don't Drink the Water