Setlists featuring So Much to Say, page 37
23 Mar 1993 - Dave Matthews Band at Trax Nightclub, Charlottesville, VA, USA
Main 1: Heathcliff's Haiku Warriors, Minarets, The Best of What's Around, Typical Situation, All Along the Watchtower by Bob Dylan, I'll Back You Up, Two Step, Granny, Jimi Thing, Also Sprach Zarathustra by Richard Strauss, Ants Marching, So Much to Say, One Sweet World, True Reflections by Boyd Tinsley
Main 2: Recently, Rhyme & Reason, Dancing Nancies, #34, Minarets, Blue Water, Warehouse, Tripping Billies
16 Mar 1993 - Dave Matthews Band at Trax Nightclub, Charlottesville, VA, USA
Main 1: So Much to Say, Two Step, Christmas Song, Warehouse, Granny, Tripping Billies, Lie in Our Graves, One Sweet World, Pay for What You Get, Rhyme & Reason, Satellite, True Reflections by Boyd Tinsley, Also Sprach Zarathustra by Richard Strauss, Ants Marching, Halloween
Main 2: Recently, Jimi Thing, Typical Situation, Dancing Nancies, What Would You Say
Encore: Angel From Montgomery by John Prine
12 Mar 1993 - Dave Matthews Band at Chi Phi, Athens, GA, USA
Main 1: Also Sprach Zarathustra by Richard Strauss, Ants Marching, Recently, One Sweet World, Help Myself, Jimi Thing, Granny, All Along the Watchtower by Bob Dylan
Main 2: Rhyme & Reason, Seek Up, Dancing Nancies, Satellite, So Much to Say, The Song That Jane Likes, True Reflections by Boyd Tinsley, Tripping Billies, Lie in Our Graves, Angel From Montgomery by John Prine, Warehouse, What Would You Say
6 Mar 1993 - Dave Matthews Band at Kappa Sigma, Lexington, VA, USA
Main 1: One Sweet World, Drive In Drive Out, So Much to Say, #34, Dancing Nancies, Rhyme & Reason, Minarets, Blue Water
Main 2: Granny, Satellite, Recently, Lie in Our Graves, Tripping Billies, The Maker by Daniel Lanois, Two Step, Halloween, All Along the Watchtower by Bob Dylan, Jimi Thing, Also Sprach Zarathustra by Richard Strauss, Ants Marching
Encore: Pay for What You Get
3 Mar 1993 - Dave Matthews Band at Flood Zone, Richmond, VA, USA
Main 1: Spotlight, One Sweet World, Lie in Our Graves, Dancing Nancies, Cry Freedom, Recently, The Song That Jane Likes, Help Myself, Pay for What You Get, Jimi Thing, Also Sprach Zarathustra by Richard Strauss, Ants Marching
Main 2: Typical Situation, I'll Back You Up, Minarets, Blue Water, Warehouse, Granny, #34, So Much to Say, Satellite, True Reflections by Boyd Tinsley, Seek Up, Tripping Billies, What Would You Say
Encore: Two Step
17 Feb 1993 - Dave Matthews Band at Flood Zone, Richmond, VA, USA
Main 1: Minarets, So Much to Say, Cry Freedom, Christmas Song, Rhyme & Reason, Lie in Our Graves, One Sweet World, Recently, Granny, Dancing Nancies, Lover Lay Down, Typical Situation, True Reflections by Boyd Tinsley, What Would You Say
Main 2: Warehouse, Seek Up, Drive In Drive Out, Ants Marching, Help Myself, #34, Two Step
Encore: Halloween, Tripping Billies
16 Feb 1993 - Dave Matthews Band at Trax Nightclub, Charlottesville, VA, USA
Main 1: Dancing Nancies, Rhyme & Reason, The Best of What's Around, The Song That Jane Likes, Spotlight, So Much to Say, Ants Marching, Cry Freedom, Help Myself, Two Step, Pay for What You Get, Granny, True Reflections by Boyd Tinsley
Main 2: No songs added to this set yet.
11 Feb 1993 - Dave Matthews Band at Sigma Phi Epsilon, Chapel Hill, NC, USA
Main 1: All Along the Watchtower by Bob Dylan, Ants Marching, Help Myself, One Sweet World, So Much to Say, Two Step, Granny, True Reflections by Boyd Tinsley, What Would You Say
Main 2: The Song That Jane Likes, The Best of What's Around, Jimi Thing, Rhyme & Reason, Recently, Typical Situation
Encore: Lie in Our Graves, Warehouse
9 Feb 1993 - Dave Matthews Band at Trax Nightclub, Charlottesville, VA, USA
Main 1: Two Step, The Best of What's Around, Rhyme & Reason, All Along the Watchtower by Bob Dylan, Ants Marching, Tripping Billies, Granny, One Sweet World, Seek Up, Halloween, Lie in Our Graves, So Much to Say, Recently, What Would You Say
Main 2: Drive In Drive Out, Satellite, Warehouse, True Reflections by Boyd Tinsley, Pay for What You Get, Lover Lay Down
Encore: Rhyme & Reason, Typical Situation
3 Feb 1993 - Dave Matthews Band at Flood Zone, Richmond, VA, USA
Main 1: Granny, What Would You Say, Help Myself, Lie in Our Graves, So Much to Say, Seek Up, Halloween, Recently, Warehouse
Main 2: I'll Back You Up, Rhyme & Reason, The Best of What's Around, Satellite, One Sweet World, Two Step, True Reflections by Boyd Tinsley, Ants Marching, All Along the Watchtower by Bob Dylan
Encore: Pay for What You Get, Minarets, Blue Water
30 Jan 1993 - Dave Matthews Band at Zollman's Pavilion, Lexington, VA, USA
Main 1: The Best of What's Around, Dancing Nancies, All Along the Watchtower by Bob Dylan, Tripping Billies, One Sweet World, Spotlight, Help Myself, Satellite, Minarets, Blue Water, Ants Marching, Recently, True Reflections by Boyd Tinsley
Main 2: Dancing Nancies, Seek Up, Halloween, Lie in Our Graves, So Much to Say, Lover Lay Down, Warehouse, What Would You Say, Typical Situation
Encore 1: Granny, The Song That Jane Likes
Encore 2: Pay for What You Get
29 Jan 1993 - Dave Matthews Band at Ziggy's Tavern, Winston-Salem, NC, USA
Main 1: Spotlight, The Maker by Daniel Lanois, The Song That Jane Likes, Satellite, Warehouse, Jimi Thing, What Would You Say, Help Myself, Dancing Nancies, So Much to Say
Main 2: One Sweet World, True Reflections by Boyd Tinsley, Seek Up, Halloween, Pay for What You Get, Lie in Our Graves, Ants Marching, Recently, All Along the Watchtower by Bob Dylan, Granny, Minarets, Blue Water, Two Step
27 Jan 1993 - Dave Matthews Band at Flood Zone, Richmond, VA, USA
Main 1: Spotlight, The Maker by Daniel Lanois, The Song That Jane Likes, Satellite, Warehouse, Lover Lay Down, Jimi Thing, Pay for What You Get, Granny, So Much to Say, True Reflections by Boyd Tinsley
Main 2: The Best of What's Around, I'll Back You Up, Seek Up, Halloween, One Sweet World, Dancing Nancies, Ants Marching, Recently, Lie in Our Graves, Two Step
Encore: Minarets, Help Myself
26 Jan 1993 - Dave Matthews Band at Trax Nightclub, Charlottesville, VA, USA
Main 1: The Best of What's Around, Redemption Song by Bob Marley, Tripping Billies, One Sweet World, People People, Dancing Nancies, Ants Marching, Recently, Satellite, What Would You Say, Pay for What You Get, Granny, So Much to Say, True Reflections by Boyd Tinsley
Main 2: Seek Up, Halloween, Lie in Our Graves, The Maker by Daniel Lanois, Minarets, Blue Water, Warehouse, Help Myself
Encore: Two Step
20 Jan 1993 - Dave Matthews Band at Flood Zone, Richmond, VA, USA
Main 1: One Sweet World, Satellite, Dancing Nancies, Angel From Montgomery by John Prine, Pay for What You Get, Lie in Our Graves, So Much to Say, Help Myself, Granny, Blue Water
Main 2: Christmas Song, All Along the Watchtower by Bob Dylan, Halloween, Minarets, Spotlight, Typical Situation, Warehouse, Lover Lay Down, True Reflections by Boyd Tinsley, Two Step
Encore: Ants Marching, Recently