8 Nov 2007 - The Vogue, Indianapolis, IN, USA
Main: The Cap'm, Damn Good Times, Take Out the Trash, The Mesopotamians, Particle Man, Mr. Me, She's Actual Size, Withered Hope, Working Undercover for the Man, Metal Detector, Spy, Whistling in the Dark, Bee of the Bird of the Moth, Put Your Hand Inside the Puppet Head, Alphabet of Nations, Birdhouse in Your Soul, The Shadow Government, Older, I'm Impressed, Dirt Bike, Museum of Idiots, Doctor Worm
Encore 1: New York City by cub, Boss of Me, James K. Polk
Encore 2: Istanbul (Not Constantinople) by The Four Lads
7 Nov 2007 - Newport Music Hall, Columbus, OH, USA
Main: The Cap'm, Damn Good Times, The Mesopotamians, Alphabet of Nations, Mr. Me, Withered Hope, Spy, With the Dark, Whistling in the Dark, She's an Angel, Memo to Human Resources, Why Does the Sun Shine?, Twisting, Drink!, I'm Impressed, Cyclops Rock, Birdhouse in Your Soul, The Guitar, Take Out the Trash, Bee of the Bird of the Moth, Museum of Idiots, Ant, Doctor Worm
Encore 1: New York City by cub, Particle Man
Encore 2: Istanbul (Not Constantinople) by The Four Lads
6 Nov 2007 - The Southgate House, Newport, KY, USA
Main: The Cap'm, Damn Good Times, The Mesopotamians, Alphabet of Nations, Mr. Me, Withered Hope, Spy, With the Dark, Whistling in the Dark, She's an Angel, Memo to Human Resources, Why Does the Sun Shine?, Twisting, Drink!, I'm Impressed, Cyclops Rock, Birdhouse in Your Soul, The Guitar, Take Out the Trash, Bee of the Bird of the Moth, Museum of Idiots, Ant, Doctor Worm
Encore 1: New York City by cub, Particle Man
Encore 2: Istanbul (Not Constantinople) by The Four Lads
4 Nov 2007 - Newby's, Memphis, TN, USA
Main: The Cap'm, Damn Good Times, The Mesopotamians, Birdhouse in Your Soul, The Guitar, Upside Down Frown, James K. Polk, Cyclops Rock, Withered Hope, Take Out the Trash, Purple Toupee, Spy, Older, It's Not My Birthday, Memo to Human Resources, I'm Impressed, Bee of the Bird of the Moth, Fingertips, Boss of Me, Twisting, Drink!, Why Does the Sun Shine?, The Shadow Government, Istanbul (Not Constantinople) by The Four Lads
Encore 1: Alphabet of Nations, Particle Man, Doctor Worm
Encore 2: Graveyard, Robot Parade
3 Nov 2007 - Exit/In, Nashville, TN, USA
Main: The Mesopotamians, Damn Good Times, Istanbul (Not Constantinople) by The Four Lads, Climbing the Walls, Take Out the Trash, Experimental Film, Dead, In the Middle, in the Middle, in the Middle, I'm Impressed, Asbury Park, Anaheim, Put Your Hand Inside the Puppet Head, It's Not My Birthday, Contrecoup, Ana Ng, Cyclops Rock, Withered Hope, Memo to Human Resources, Boss of Me, XTC vs. Adam Ant, Alphabet of Nations, Why Does the Sun Shine?, The Shadow Government, Particle Man
Encore 1: With the Dark, Graveyard, Doctor Worm
Encore 2: James K. Polk, Fingertips
2 Nov 2007 - Variety Playhouse, Atlanta, GA, USA
Main: The Mesopotamians, Damn Good Times, Istanbul (Not Constantinople) by The Four Lads, Take Out the Trash, Climbing the Walls, In the Middle, in the Middle, in the Middle, I'm Impressed, Birdhouse in Your Soul, The Shadow Government, Put Your Hand Inside the Puppet Head, It's Not My Birthday, Contrecoup, Cyclops Rock, Withered Hope, Memo to Human Resources, I Palindrome I, Boss of Me, XTC vs. Adam Ant, Meet James Ensor, Particle Man, Alphabet of Nations, Experimental Film
Encore 1: With the Dark, Graveyard, Doctor Worm
Encore 2: Maybe I Know by Lesley Gore, Spy, Atlanta, Twisting
1 Nov 2007 - The Georgia Theatre, Athens, GA, USA
Main: The Cap'm, The Mesopotamians, Damn Good Times, Istanbul (Not Constantinople) by The Four Lads, Take Out the Trash, She's an Angel, The Famous Polka, Bee of the Bird of the Moth, Cyclops Rock, Withered Hope, We're the Replacements, I'm Impressed, Put Your Hand Inside the Puppet Head, Asbury Park, Fingertips, Birdhouse in Your Soul, The Shadow Government, Drink!, Alphabet of Nations
Encore: Particle Man, With the Dark, Graveyard, Doctor Worm, Maybe I Know by Lesley Gore
31 Oct 2007 - Music Farm, Charleston, SC, USA
Main: I'm Impressed, The Mesopotamians, Istanbul (Not Constantinople) by The Four Lads, Take Out the Trash, Dead, Meet James Ensor, The Famous Polka, Why Does the Sun Shine?, We're the Replacements, The Cap'm, Asbury Park, Fingertips, Birdhouse in Your Soul, Everybody Conga, No One Knows My Plan, The Shadow Government, Drink!, Alphabet of Nations, Whistling in the Dark, Particle Man
Encore 1: Charleston, Spy, Turn Around
Encore 2: Older, Graveyard, Doctor Worm
30 Oct 2007 - The Handlebar, Greenville, SC, USA
Main: The Mesopotamians, Damn Good Times, The Cap'm, Take Out the Trash, Contrecoup, Meet James Ensor, It's Not My Birthday, The Famous Polka, With the Dark, Older, Birdhouse in Your Soul, The Guitar, Withered Hope, Istanbul (Not Constantinople) by The Four Lads, Anaheim, Memo to Human Resources, Upside Down Frown, Mammal, XTC vs. Adam Ant, I'm Impressed, Asbury Park, Whistling in the Dark, Alphabet of Nations, Particle Man
Encore 1: She's an Angel, Boss of Me, New York City by cub, Why Does the Sun Shine?
Encore 2: Fingertips
28 Oct 2007 - The Neighborhood Theatre, Charlotte, NC, USA
Main: The Mesopotamians, Damn Good Times, Withered Hope, Take Out the Trash, The Cap'm, Birdhouse in Your Soul, The Guitar, Contrecoup, Meet James Ensor, The Famous Polka, Older, Alphabet of Nations, Memo to Human Resources, Istanbul (Not Constantinople) by The Four Lads, XTC vs. Adam Ant, I'm Impressed, I Palindrome I, With the Dark, Spy, Mammal, Drink!, Boss of Me, Particle Man
Encore 1: Asbury Park, Fingertips
Encore 2: New York City by cub, Graveyard, Why Does the Sun Shine?
27 Oct 2007 - The Orange Peel, Asheville, NC, USA
Main: Asheville, The Cap'm, Why Does the Sun Shine?, The Mesopotamians, Take Out the Trash, Birdhouse in Your Soul, The Shadow Government, Meet James Ensor, The Famous Polka, The Guitar, Withered Hope, Alphabet of Nations, In the Middle, in the Middle, in the Middle, Twisting, Istanbul (Not Constantinople) by The Four Lads, I Palindrome I, XTC vs. Adam Ant, I'm Impressed, Boss of Me, New York City by cub, Older, Particle Man
Encore: Asbury Park, Spy, Fingertips, Graveyard, Damn Good Times
26 Oct 2007 - Carolina Theatre, Durham, NC, USA
Main: Damn Good Times, The Cap'm, Why Does the Sun Shine?, The Mesopotamians, Take Out the Trash, Withered Hope, Meet James Ensor, Spy, Birdhouse in Your Soul, The Guitar, Alphabet of Nations, In the Middle, in the Middle, in the Middle, Particle Man, XTC vs. Adam Ant, I'm Impressed, Drink!, The Famous Polka, Older, Boss of Me, New York City by cub, Istanbul (Not Constantinople) by The Four Lads
Encore 1: Asbury Park, Graveyard, Twisting
Encore 2: Fingertips
25 Oct 2007 - The NorVa, Norfolk, VA, USA
Main: No songs added to this set yet.
24 Oct 2007 - Toad's Place, Richmond, VA, USA
Main: The Cap'm, Why Does the Sun Shine?, New Haven, Take Out the Trash, The Mesopotamians, It's Not My Birthday, The Famous Polka, With the Dark, Older, Snail Shell, Spy, Birdhouse in Your Soul, Withered Hope, Put Your Hand Inside the Puppet Head, Memo to Human Resources, Upside Down Frown, Mammal, XTC vs. Adam Ant, I'm Impressed, Particle Man, Drink!, Alphabet of Nations, Whistling in the Dark, She's an Angel, Doctor Worm
Encore 1: Damn Good Times, Graveyard, Istanbul (Not Constantinople) by The Four Lads
Encore 2: Twisting
20 Oct 2007 - Calvin Theatre, Northampton, MA, USA
Main: The Cap'm, Damn Good Times, The Mesopotamians, Mr. Me, She's Actual Size, Withered Hope, Working Undercover for the Man, Metal Detector, In the Middle, in the Middle, in the Middle, Spy, Whistling in the Dark, Bee of the Bird of the Moth, Alphabet of Nations, Birdhouse in Your Soul, Take Out the Trash, I'm Impressed, Museum of Idiots, Ant, Doctor Worm
Encore 1: Ana Ng, Graveyard, Why Does the Sun Shine?
Encore 2: With the Dark, Istanbul (Not Constantinople) by The Four Lads
19 Oct 2007 - The Roxy, Boston, MA, USA
Main: The Cap'm, Damn Good Times, The Mesopotamians, Take Out the Trash, Don't Let's Start, XTC vs. Adam Ant, It's Not My Birthday, Drink!, Alphabet of Nations, E Eats Everything, Upside Down Frown, Memo to Human Resources, I'm Impressed, Mammal, Mr. Me, Ant, Museum of Idiots, With the Dark, Withered Hope, Istanbul (Not Constantinople) by The Four Lads
Encore: Bee of the Bird of the Moth, Graveyard, Doctor Worm, Particle Man, Maybe I Know by Lesley Gore
18 Oct 2007 - Toad's Place, New Haven, CT, USA
Main: The Cap'm, Damn Good Times, The Mesopotamians, Take Out the Trash, Birdhouse in Your Soul, XTC vs. Adam Ant, It's Not My Birthday, Drink!, Alphabet of Nations, E Eats Everything, Anaheim, Upside Down Frown, Memo to Human Resources, I'm Impressed, Mammal, New Haven, Mr. Me, With the Dark, Withered Hope, Museum of Idiots, Ant, Particle Man
Encore 1: Asbury Park, Why Does the Sun Shine?, Graveyard, Doctor Worm
Encore 2: Maybe I Know by Lesley Gore, Istanbul (Not Constantinople) by The Four Lads
7 Oct 2007 - Santa Fe Brewing Company, Santa Fe, NM, USA
Main: The Cap'm, Damn Good Times, Birdhouse in Your Soul, Take Out the Trash, Particle Man, It's Not My Birthday, Drink!, Experimental Film, Withered Hope, Twisting, Spider, Why Does the Sun Shine?, I'm Impressed, She's an Angel, XTC vs. Adam Ant, Boss of Me, New York City by cub, Asbury Park, Older, The Mesopotamians
Encore 1: Istanbul (Not Constantinople) by The Four Lads, Graveyard, Doctor Worm
Encore 2: Alphabet of Nations, Anaheim, Fingertips
6 Oct 2007 - Rialto Theatre, Tucson, AZ, USA
Main: The Cap'm, Damn Good Times, Birdhouse in Your Soul, Take Out the Trash, Particle Man, Drink!, The Guitar, Withered Hope, Twisting, Why Does the Sun Shine?, She's an Angel, I'm Impressed, Boss of Me, New York City by cub, Older, The Mesopotamians
Encore 1: Istanbul (Not Constantinople) by The Four Lads, Graveyard, Doctor Worm
Encore 2: Alphabet of Nations, Fingertips
5 Oct 2007 - House of Blues, Anaheim, CA, USA
Main: The Cap'm, New York City by cub, Birdhouse in Your Soul, Upside Down Frown, Take Out the Trash, She's an Angel, It's Not My Birthday, Older, Meet James Ensor, Anaheim, Memo to Human Resources, I'm Impressed, Damn Good Times, Climbing the Walls, Twisting, Mammal, Mr. Me, With the Dark, Withered Hope, Museum of Idiots, Ant, Particle Man
Encore 1: Alphabet of Nations, Put Your Hand on the Computer, The Mesopotamians
Encore 2: Mr. Tambourine Man by Bob Dylan, Istanbul (Not Constantinople) by The Four Lads